Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chocolate biscuit pudding

This was my very first post[12 Oct '08] and there were no pics along with it. So I thought I'd better revive it because this pudding requires people to know it! ;D I would say the pudding demands it because I love this pudding! :D It's a very easy recipe, hardly takes anytime especially if you have fresh cream on hand. But yes! you will have to wait for it to set! Yes! hold onto your temptation! ;D

This is a recipe which I have been making for years now,can say the earlier day's recipe which still continues to be made :) It was sent to me by my aunt (especially for me... she did mention in the letter hehehe) So I used to make it everytime at home and finally I decided that I'll let Amma use it for her cookery class .So now it's offically a member of her recipe index! :)
Chocolate Biscuit Pudding
Recipe from Beeji Aunty


Marie biscuit/Graham crackers: 200 g
  • Powder the biscuits coarsely and mix it well with butter. Line a pudding dish with half of this mixture.

Chocolate sauce:
Milk: 1 1/2 cups
Sugar:1 cup
Cornflour/Cornstarch: 2 tbsp
Cocoa powder:3 tbsp
Vanilla essence:2 drops
  • Boil all the ingrdients together (except vanilla)and make a thick sauce.
  • Add vanilla once the sauce is slightly cooled.
  • Pour this over the prepared biscuit base.
  • Cover the sauce with the remaining biscuit mixture.

Cream :200 ml
Chocolate vermicelli: as required.
  • Beat the cream untill soft peaks form and pour on top of the pudding and let it set in the refrigerator for 6 hrs.
  • Sprinkle chocolate vermicelli on top of it.
  • Serve it with vanilla ice cream.

Must say it's one of the biggest hit on Amma's cookery class recipe index ( actually everything is a hit, but since I gave it... I'm a bit partial :P ) We are making another batch of it today as well. This seems to be a big hit amongst Amma's catering customers and so we get regular orders for it! Is that convincing enough that this is a good one ???? ;D

Have a great week ahead! :)



  1. Hi Ria..came here from Mishmash..I make a similar choc-biscuit pudding.It would help if you could add pictures of your dish..happy blogging!!

  2. Hello Divya!! Thanks for visting mine.. I will definately post pics of it.. leave me your link next time! Happy blogging!!!!

  3. Oh! I want some of this! It looks so yummy and delicious!

  4. My first time here..Lovely Blog Ria..Nice pudding..Even i prepare something similar to this....
    looks really yummy..
    Try to visit my blog when u get time.

  5. Looks very good Ria.
    I just came across another biscuit puddin post where the recipe was also provided by an aunt.
    Aunts' biscuit puddings rock, I guess. :)

    The monsson is here too and right now we're enjoying it.

  6. yeah the pics r reaallly convincing...for sure goin to try this....

  7. i have tried something like this...but it was like a thin layer of biscuit and a regular vanilla pudding on top of it!!

  8. hi Ria ...
    Thanks for posting this .. it looks like a comparitively easier recipe...because i have told u before i cannot make desserts.

    i want to make it for ishaan's birthday. next week.

    When you say .. cream you mean just regular table cream?

  9. Hi Ria...u have a nice blog out here...first time here.This is such an easy recipe...thanks for sharing.Wud love to make some.Looks delicious!

  10. What a lovely pudding! Mighty scrumptious!



  11. This looks yum! Definitely going to try it, what is chocolate vermicelli though? Is it like those chocolate sprinkles that go on cake icing or ice cream?

  12. hi Ria
    i managed to make it .. it didn't come out as crunchy looking as urs .. i probably didn't do something right ..
    It came out pretty ok though .. everyone liked it ...

    so here is my ode to you ...

  13. Hi Ria,

    im going to try out this one...will let u know how it goes/ puddings dont usually turn out well...they become thick it bcos its overcooked ???

  14. Hi! Ria.
    I tried this recipe. the taste was awesome. But, had a question. My pudding didn't set. I mean, it was kind of watery...while serving, one couldn't see the different layers as I see in your pics. What do you think went wrong?

  15. Reny- It depends on what goes into the pudding. If it has cornflour,yes it is because of it! :) Let me know how you like it!

    Anon- Thanks for visiting my blog!I am glad that you liked the taste of the pudding!

    About it not setting: Did you thicken the sauce really well? Let me know!

  16. Hi Ria,

    I tried this recipe for my husbands bday party and it came out well :) I added dark chocolate to the sauce and drizzled white chocolate on the top(left over from the chocolate ganache I had prepared for the cake). Thanks a ton!! I should say amazing work :)


  17. Hi Ria,

    I tried this recipe for my husbands bday party and it came out well :) I added dark chocolate to the sauce and drizzled white chocolate on the top(left over from the chocolate ganache I had prepared for the cake). Thanks a ton!! I should say amazing work :)


  18. Ria - I am new reader to ur blog and live in Chennai. What is 'cream' in this recipe? Are you talking about Amul cream? A bit confused?

  19. Hima- Welcome to my blog :) Yes, you are correct! The cream that I have mentioned is 'Amul' cream or any other fresh cream. :) Hope you like it! :)

  20. Hey Ria,
    I tried this yesterday and we both loved it:) One question about the cream topping, I used Amul fresh cream but the texture of it is a bit foamy even after setting it,rather not the custardy texture which I think is how it must be?

  21. Zo-Ya- Thanks so much! The texture of whipped cream is fluffy,melt-in-the-mouth and light. It's okay,Amul cream does not have a high fat content to whip up like the cream that we get here...that's why.

  22. This is such an easy, much-loved dessert! Thanks again Ria as this is my backup option most of the time. :)

  23. Hey Ria,

    I never make desserts. But this one looks simple and tempting and I want to try. I had 2 basic questions.
    1. The butter that needs to be used is salted or unsalted?
    2. While making the chocolate sauce, should we follow double-boiling or the normal boiling?

  24. Shillu - I prefer salted butter for this recipe but it's totally upto you! :) Chocolate sauce can be made using direct heat.It thickens faster that way.Just stir it well as it will clump up and burn if you don't.
    Hope you enjoy the pudding!


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Ria Mathew