Thursday, June 25, 2009

Molten Lava Cake ...gooey chocolatey goodness!

I love chocolate. I love cooking with chocolate. I love melting chocolate.

If you love all of the above 3 things then this is the recipe for you :) It is so very easy and you can pull it off in 30 mins flat! This is my 2 nd attempt in making this ( the first one was so successful that I din't get a chance to click a pic! ) and I know for sure there will be a 3rd , 4th,5th... :D

I never had ramekins before...bought them when I went to Bangalore 2 weeks ago! Had to actually hunt for it because no one there seem to know the name :) So found it in Arihant Plaza next to Commercial Street :)
I always cook/bake something everyday once I'm home from work :) And my parent's think I'm crazy! It's not that I'm saying that they are crazy... I admit that I am crazy about baking/cooking! I need to spend sometime in kitchen everyday :) I don't know whether I would still like it after getting married when you have so much of other housework to do :) But as I always say 'Make Hay While The Sun Shines '
I don't have a photostudio or any good 'tubelights' at home :( We love the colour of incandescent lamps so that's what we have at home :) So whichever pic I click... it always seem to have a yellow 'unwanted' tone! And recently we bought an emergency lamp...and I got a brilliant idea! I thought I'll use it along with the other lighting :) BUT it was even worse... full of shadows! So I got another brilliant idea!!! I held it up with my left hand (mind you! It's nothing less than 2 kgs!! ) and clicked with my right hand... O! NO! marco mode + shake = blured pics!!!
But nevertheless some were okay and I felt it was worth the trouble :)And as a fee for the whole trouble I let myself indulge in this absolutely gorgeous dessert!! :)I have to be OKAY with these lights because by the time I get home from work and finish cooking... it will be night! :( And I hate waking up in the morning! :P

Molten Lava Cake
Recipe adapted from


Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate - 4 oz (113g)
Butter - 4 oz (113g)
Eggs - 2
Sugar - 1/3 cup (75 g)
All-purpose Flour - 1/4 cup (40g)
Butter - for greasing ramekins


1. In a double boiler, melt chocolate.
2. In a medium mixing bowl, beat Eggs and Sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Once chocolate is melted, remove pan from heat and add in butter. Mix until the butter melts fully.
4. Add chocolate/butter mixture into the eggs, add all-purpose flour and mix until well incorporated.
5. Butter bottom and sides of ramekins (small glass/porcelainbowls) and pour in mixture about 3/4 way full.
6. Place ramekins on a baking tray and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 C) for 10 - 15 minutes. Shorter for gooey (molten) inside, longer for stiff inside.
7. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream.

All I have to say is you will fall in love with this if you ever happen to make it :) It's so gooey inside and an absolute chocolate lover's delight!! :) So try and experience it for yourself :)

I am sending this post as an entry to the CLICK event hosted by Jai & Bee

Happy Friday!!!


  1. I think the best way to photograph food is using natural light. :)

    Love your chocolate cakes. So nice.

  2. Oh, those look sooooo good! A "dirty" treat ;-P!



  3. Chocolicious! It usually happens to me too, i m never able to click proper pictures, twisting and turning and taking pics, i have realized its a good form of exercise :)

  4. who doesn't love chocolate?? I wish i could take a spoonful off my screen.

  5. Oh, very decadent! I love your colorful ramekins!

  6. Good job Ria! ...and excellent photography:) make sure you keep switching arms for holding up the light otherwise you will have muscles only in one;)

  7. I've made these and there's nothing quite like the chocolate oozing out from the middle. :)

    And you should say "making lava cakes while it rains"!

  8. Thats a lovely post ria...I love the coloured ramekins....they look real good...I love chocolate pudding and one recipe for this one has been sleeping in my bookmarked file for long....CAnt control

    here in uk its always raining and always cloudy. SO there is less light inside home to click good pics. What i do is after clicking the pics in available circumstances, edit it in Picassa....picassa is too good...i love it..:)

  9. i m big love anything which contain chocolate..

  10. Mmmm couldn't control.. lovely delicious dear!@!

  11. One of my very, very, very favorite desserts. A little tip: if you ever want to bring these to work, cook them in foil cupcake liners that you've sprayed with nonstick spray. Adjust cooking time and you will have a sinfully moist lava cupcake.

  12. Anh- I so agree with you!
    Aparna-LOL! nice one!
    Shabs-Thanks for that tip :)
    Arlene-Thank you sooo much for that cool tip! :)

    Thank you all so much!!

  13. Hey Ria,
    U r crazy to bake evryday after work. But with this kind of enthu..I don't think it will die down even after marriage.
    Nice ramekins and good recipe.

  14. This is my fav!!!.. I'll try this some time, thank you.. looks toooo goood :)

  15. my wife made this last week, it was soo good..

  16. Hi Ria,
    yummy cake....i always wanted to make molten cake, but couldnt find ramekins in bangalore. As u have mentioned you bought it from Arihant Plaza, could u pls let me knw if its in the main street??

  17. Minu- Thank you :) Yes,enter through the main street entrance and there will be many crockery shops, just go there and search for yourself because if you ask them for 'Ramekins' they might not know.

    Btw, are you Prinu's friend Minu??

  18. Thanks Ria for the info....once i get them will definitely try n let u knw the verdict :)

    Nope I am not Prinu's frnd :(


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Ria Mathew