Sunday, November 29, 2009

MYSORE PAK & an update after 20 days!

I'm back! :) with a bang from a 3 week shopping + no internet + a dead laptop charger scenario at home  :) A big thank you to you my dear readers for still being interested in my blog :)
I have to be honest that inspite of me travelling extensively in the last few weeks, I still managed to cook/bake a lot of stuff but I'm having a huge sugar craving right now hence none came out into the limelight :)

Mysore pak was something I always wanted to try and I did last year...before I started my darling blog. But the end result was bitter and what not! And you wouldn't believe how upset I was with the result...and Aparna knows the rest! I am still so sorry :)

But no matter how many days,weeks & months passed by, it was one thing that I wanted to perfect upon...and I did it! YAY! Thank you Aparna & Srivalli for helping me out with the one-thread consistency for sugar. You see, twitter SOS works like a charm! :)

You can check Aparna's blog for the recipe

For all those who have never attempted making this sinful Indian sweet at home, please go ahead ! This recipe is a marvel! My pics haven't done justice to the ghee-yellow colour the sweet had. It does look a bit dry on the outside, but when you bite into just melts in your mouth!


  1. Looks perfect buddy!! Wish to have some right away!

  2. Welcome back were missed!!

    Mysorepak looks divine,but I don't know if I would ever gather courage and attempt it!!Kudos to you for trying it again:)

    Btw,I really feel bad that we couldn't meet:(

  3. Great job, Ria! Beautiful pictures!

  4. Looks perfect, Ria. Now you can have it whenever you want. :)
    And yes, that's how my mysorepak is (and we love it this way) dry to look at but melt in the mouth. :)

    And I think it is time you let "that" go by. I certainly have. :)

  5. lovely pics...looks tempting indeed!

  6. Welcome back!! Missed having you about!! This looks delicious, though I haven't ever tried it. And I really want to know the story behind this!! What is it???

  7. Welcome back dear..U were missed!!!! despite knowing u were away, I had chked ur blog every day :) Am glad the dish came well n u overcame the failure!!! clap clap clap!!! while reading if u feel a pat on ur shoulder, itz me :) catch u on GTalk (waiting to know about ur shopping spree)

  8. That looks downright perfect. Hope to give this a shot sometime.


Thank you for stopping by!
If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

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Ria Mathew