Monday, November 2, 2009

SUGAR DOUGHNUTS ♥ for my bro ♥

My brother L.O.V.E.S doughnuts and everytime I used to come home from my hostel in Bangalore, this was the only thing that he asked me to get for him. And it was the same story for 5 years!

I studied in Mount Carmel College, Bangalore and all those who studied there will give a testimonial for the famous sugar doughnuts that we used to get in our canteen. They were BIG and fluffy. I was warned by Tia, my cousin that that would be one thing all freshers were addicted upon :) And I proved it RIGHT! :)

I had tried some versions and all of them turned out like biscuits in texture :D But this one was really soft and nice.
Recipe source: Kaipunyam

Melted butter-2 tbsp
Baking powder-1 tbsp
Sugar-1/2 c
Milk-1/2 c
Salt-1 tsp
Oil-for deep frying
Powdered sugar- for dusting

  • Mix together flour, salt ,baking powder and sugar. Add the melted butter.
  • Add beaten egg and milk to it and form a smooth dough.
  • Roll out into 1/4" thickness and cut out into doughnut shapes.
  • Deep fry them in hot oil.
  • Dust with powdered sugar.

It was an immediate hit! My bro agreed that it is OK! :P Anyway dad, mom and myself loved it!


  1. Mmm.. yum yum doughnuts..! Simply love it!

  2. Ria kuttyyyy doughnuts adipoli ayitundallooooo...

  3. even my son just loves to have doughnuts and everytime v go out,he makes sure to have one atleast...ur doughnuts are so perfect and really yum....will surely try it at home this time

  4. wow ria mouth watering doughnuts!
    perfect with the sugar dusting! u r a wonderful sister to ur bro dearie :)
    God Bless!

  5. Perfect donuts, Ria! I love them! And lucky brother! One recipe I must try as my son has been bugging me for weeks for donuts!

  6. hey dea..!!!
    Please collect ur award from my blog!!!

    Donut looks perfect!!!

  7. OMG! I wish i can have couple of them now.. this looks soo good and super tempting.

  8. hey Ria, the donuts look perfect, will try these very soon!

  9. yummy doughnuts looks fabolous!!!

    Thank u stopping by kothiyavunu and for ur sweet comments.See u often.:)

  10. Yummmm! Its been YEARS since I had a home made doughnut, though I associate it with bad memories. I used to make a batch of these when I was angry or sad, and then eat the entire batch.

  11. doughnut looks perfect :) loved it

  12. Ria, read your doughnut recipe yesterday post lunch, and immediately got down to it. They came out very well and by dinner time they were gone, the whole batch!! My earlier recipe called for yolk of two eggs. (The dilemna of what to do with the whites were a deterrent!!)This one is so simple and yummy.No wonder they are Ritchie's favourite.


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Ria Mathew