Sunday, February 14, 2010


A Bride's Prayer
O Father, my heart is filled with a happiness so wonderful. I am almost afraid  this is my Wedding Day. I pray Thee that the beautiful joy of this morning may never grow dim with the tears of regret for the step I am about to take.Rather may its memories become more sweet and tender with each passing anniversary.

Thou hast sent me one who seems all worthy of my deepest regard. Grand unto me the power to keep him ever true and loving as now.May I prove indeed a helpmate,a sweetheart, a friend, a steadfast guiding star among all the temptations that beset this impulsive heart of mine.
Give me the skill to make home the best loved place of all. Help me to make its light gleam brighter than any glow that would dim its radiance. Let me, I pray Thee, meet the little misunderstandings and cares of life more bravely.
Be with me as I start my mission of womanhood and stay Thou my path from failure all the way.Walk with us even unto the end of our journey. O Father, bless my Wedding Day, hallow my Marriage Night, sanctify my Motherhood if Thou sees it fit to grant me that privilege. And when all my youthful charms are gone, and cares and lessons have left their traces, let physical fascination give way to the greatest charm of companionship.
And so may we walk hand in hand down the highway of the valley of the shadow which we hope to lighten with the sunshine of good and happy lives.

O Father, this is my prayer. Hear me, I beseech Thee.


  1. Hi Ria,

    I have been a silent reader of your blog since many months.
    After reading the "Prayer of a Bride", I was moved and it struck a chord with me. I had to leave my sincere wishes for the both of you.

    Wish the both of you a lifetime full of love and companionship!!!

  2. Lovely post Ria!!!!

    Wishing You and Jobin a very happy Married Life!!! God bless you both...

  3. Amen.... Wish u a Very Very happy married life....

  4. What beautiful words! Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and hope that all your dreams come true.

  5. Ria..this is such a beautiful post!!Wish you and Jobin a very Happy and fun-filled married life and may all you dreams and prayers come true!!


  6. Wish you a very happy married life Ria :)

  7. Hey Ria!
    Congratulations! Wishing You Both A splendid Marriage!
    God Bless!
    All the best!

  8. Very very touching prayer Ria!! Wish you all the best and all that you have wished for in the prayer!

  9. Wishing you both a very happy married life. May all your dreams come true and God bless.


  10. Wishing you a wonderful happy life with Jobin.... and a great day as a shinning bride...

  11. congratulations ria and jobin!!! god bless u abundantly with all the wisdom, happiness and choicest blessings!
    ps: keep the food coming in ;)


  12. Our prayers and wishes r ther for u Ria n Jobin.....All the best to u both!!!!

  13. Hey Ria... Wish you guys a wonderful Married life!! Loadsa good luck! :)

  14. Hi Ria,

    Just wanted to let you know that im thinking of you on your wedding day.. Ive always been a silent reader and fan of your blog. But wanted to wish you all the very best and joy and happiness as you start your new journey today.

    Best Regards

  15. great pics....congrats and heres wishing u a great and fulfilling married life..

  16. Sending prayers, blessings and good wishes your way. Enjoy the best day of your life dear lovely bride ! Congratulations to both of you !

  17. what a sweet prayer!
    Wish you a very happy married life Ria.God Bless

  18. May all your prayers and dreams come true dear!! Wish you both the very best in life!!

    Luv & Prayers

  19. Congrats Ria ... wish you all the best always!!

  20. Awww Ria . this is such a moving touching prayer ..
    With tears in my eyes and the best in my heart ... i wish you and Jobin .. all that you pray for and more ...:)

    May the good lord bless your union!!!

    Love always

  21. Hi dear, Let God bless you both with the best in everything ....wishing you both a great life ahead :)

    Happy Married Life dear

  22. happy married life Ria.....may God bless u abundantly :)

  23. happy married life Ria.....may God bless u abundantly :)

  24. Wish you both a Very Happy Married Life.....

  25. Wish You both A Very Happy Married Life......

  26. wish u a happy married life Ria.. :)

  27. Congratz Ria!!!Wishing you both a happy married life!!

  28. Congratulations and wishing you years and years of happiness, love, good health and everything you dream of!

  29. Another silent reader of your blog wishing you wonderful years ahead with your partner in life... it was a lovely prayer.. and let me also join u in this prayer...

  30. Thank you so much everyone! I am so touched by your love! xo


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Ria Mathew