Wednesday, May 5, 2010

LAMINGTON TOWERS for him... and the countdown begins! #25

It was his birthday, on May 4. And like all good wives do, I wanted it to be a special, memorable day for him. So I gave him the choice to decide/ask me what he wanted me to cook for him. And pat came the reply: Maggi for breakfast, Lamingtons as cake ( because his mom always made them for his birthdays as a kid),Chicken Biriyani for lunch and he said that I could decide the rest of the menu :)

So we had Tangdi Kabab, Naan and Dum Aloo for dinner. It was a very yummy affair, I must say! But I skimped on the dessert because I knew he would be attacking the Lamingtons till they are over and gone!

I love doing petit-fours. So I was happy when I had to make these little things. And boy! They are so easy to make! I didn't want him to cut just one, so I piled it up and made the tower and propped candles all over it. Just in case you are wondering where the tip of the tower was, we had it, just couldn't resist it!

I also have to tell you all something, starting from today, I am going to try 25 new things(of course, food related) in the next 25 days before I turn 25! :) I am so excited about it...and so is he! Actually, he was talking about someone doing 40 things before turning 40 and this idea popped into my head! I am glad it did! So this is #25.

Recipe Source: Laksmi Nair
[I made the cake extrra-special by not using my 'Reddie' but by beating the batter using elbow grease ;) ]

Things you will need:
Plain Cake
Chocolate Coating
Dessicated coconut

For the cake:
All purpose flour-2c
Baking powder-2 heaped tsp
Baking Soda-1/2 tsp
Salt-1/4 tsp
Butter-125 g ( I used regular unsalted butter)
Sugar-7 tbsp, powdered
Milk-1 1/4 c
Vanilla extract-1/2-1 tsp

  • Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.
  • Beat butter and sugar together with a wooden spoon till light and fluffy.
  • Add in the eggs one by one and beat it well after each addition.
  • Add flour and milk alternately starting and ending with flour.
  • Add in the vanilla extract.
  • If the batter is thick, add more milk and make it to the right consistency.
  • Pour into a prepared square pan and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 C/350 F for 35 mins.
  • Cool and cut the cake into small 2x2 inch squares.

For the chocolate coating
Butter-1 1/2 tbsp
Sugar-3c, powdered
Cocoa powder-3 heaped tbsp
Water-3/4 c

  • Mix sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl.
  • Boil water and butter together. Add this to the sugar-cocoa mix and stir well .
  • Chocolate coating is ready.

  • Prick a piece of cake with a fork, dip it into the chocolate coating till well coated.
  • Drain the excess chocolate by lifting the cake piece (with the fork still in it) and tap against the rim of the vessel.
  • Roll in dessicated coconut using the help of a fork (so that your hand stays clean).
  • Arrange it on a plate and serve.
  • I refrigerated mine overnight but it still stayed soft and moist. I feel it helps to harden the coating too.
Verdict: I must admit I am not a big coconut fan.  I am known for scraping out the coconut which is on top of Puttu and in between Idiappam. But  I really loved this cake! And Jobin couldn't stop with 2 in one go...he wanted to have more, but he had to go to work ;) But he took care of it in the evening ;)


  1. That was quite a menu for the bash. Nice to hear u guyz had a wonderful time... :) 25 things before turning 25, lovely concept n I hope to see the blog busy with the trials :)

  2. we hope that we can get to learn 25 new recipes before u turn 25!
    best wishes and GO for it!

  3. Yummilicious Ria..I am so tempted to try making Lamingtons myself!!And as you said,since we'd be eating only a small portion at a time,makes it more attractive:).Trust you to come up with such amazing posts every now and then!!Belated Birthday wishes to sure made his day extra special!! Good luck with 25 things:)

  4. Belated wishes to your husband and the cake is simply awesome.. Must try this.

  5. Happy birthday to your Jobin...what an extra special birthday it is to him. the cake looks stunning and must have tasted great too. love the crumbly texture....

  6. Awesome way of decorating lamingtons for a birthday!! Yumm!!

  7. Happy Birthday to Jobin!! Love the quirky take on cake, it sure is different :)

  8. looks gorgeous .. Birthday wishes to your better half

  9. Belated happy b'day wishes to jobin and love the lamingtons.

  10. hi new to ur blog..u have a very lovely collection!! am drooling over ur pics..and belated b'day to ur hubby! my son also celeberated his 3rd b'day on May 4th.

  11. i love the lamington tower...should try making it sure you had a great time..

  12. Ria, you have such a beautiful blog - I really enjoy reading it! Your lamingtons look utterly delicious.

  13. hey ria,

    must say u r simply a genius.. m totally amazed n zapped by ur cookin skills.., truly innovative..

    one small query regarding this lamington tower, how much sugar is to b used for d chocolate coating? 3 cups?

    and also regarding the mascarpone cheese, can i use only amul fresh cream?? will it work ot fine??

    waiting for ur reply,
    lotsa love n luck
    Deepal :)

  14. Thank you all so much for writing in! x

    Deepal- Yes, it is 3 cups. I know it sounds too much, but it is just perfectly sweet. And the cake has very little sugar in it,so the frosting compensates for that.

    And the mascarpone cheese, yes, Amul will work perfectly fine. I have been making it with Amul when I was in India.

  15. Hey Ria,

    Tried out this cake today...Tommorrow is my mums bday!!!..
    But some how the consistency was thick I guess..I added a extra one cup of milk....But still it hadnt cooked so well on the wasnt fully raw also tasted something like a pudding when I ate it, just for a taste.....I am really not a pro at baking so wouldnt really know the right consistency...Can you please advice the how many cups of milk?????
    So the next time I make it, turns out better..
    Fingers crossed hope they all like it tommorrow...


  16. Cassie-Thank you for trying.

    How thick was it? Did you have to tap the spoon to get the batter out? Or was it thicker than that? When you loosen the batter, do not add all that extra milk together, add it a bit by bit and see. When I made it, I used 1 1/4 cups of milk and it worked fine for me.

    Were your eggs very small? Because sometimes if eggs are smaller in size you may have to add in one more so that the consistency is okay.

    I have no clue how it turned out to be pudding like. It should come out as a proper, well set cake, to be cut out into squares.

    I hope I am clear, if not, let me know!

  17. Hi Ria,

    Yes it was thick that I had to tap to get the batter out..
    I get what you say now..Maybe the eggs were small...thats the reason why the batter was thick...
    I could cut it into pieces there was no problem with that..Just that the cake was a little uncooked on the inside..
    I put it in the fridge and then it looked fine...
    and today it rocked...All the guest and most of all mum liked it..
    I will try to make it perfect the next time...since I have got the tips from you...

  18. Hi Ria,
    First time here.

    Made these lamingtons for our wedding anniversary. No doubt, it came out just 'GREAT'. Could not even spare a single piece for the next day.My husband and brother in law couldn't stop attacking it until the whole stuff was over. Thank you dear, coz I owe you for their compliments. And sure, I'll be trying out more from your collection of recipes.


  19. i cant even imagine tht this lamington's would b this much beautiful...happy birthday to jobin...u hd gt a bad menu with a long series ria...beautiful lamington..

  20. Hi Ria,
    Belated wishes to ur Husband ...
    Cake looks great and so do the chicken Biryani iam sure both have tasted great too ...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi Ria..
    I tried this recipe today for my wedding anniversary, came out perfectly! thanks a ton :)
    I love your site, especially the clicks. You are one talented person! Will surely be trying out more recipes from here.

  23. Hey, I tried this one too much earlier and had sent a comment too. It was good. I like the taste of it the next day onwards. Thanks!


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Ria Mathew