Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BAKED CRISPY APPLE CHIPS...totally healthy!

I remember telling you not so long ago that I totally hate any form of baked apples. Remember? Ever since that day, I have been hooked onto these crunchy crispy apple chips! They are so easy to make and they are baked! Yes, not deep fried! How soothing was that to your ears? :-) I am a big lover of anything deep fried, especially potatoes! But if you get a bite of these crispy chips, you will never want to go back to deep fried snacks because it tastes as good as it looks. It is healthy too! So all in all, they are wonderful !

Ah, I forgot to tell you that you  will not feel heavy after eating these. Instead you will not stop at one...but eat a whole plateful of it! :-) You will need some patience for this to get baked as it is baked in a very low temperature which helps in maintaining the colour and also it's taste. I used Granny Smith Apples (the tart, green apple)  but you can use any variety as long as the apple is firm to touch. Having a mandoline (slicer) will help tons, but if you don't , you can put your slicing skills to a test. Just be careful when you slice it because we need it thin, as possible. I feel, halving the apple or even quartering them will make it easier as we will have a better grip on it.Also, keep the skin on,don't peel them away! :-)

When I first tried baking them at home,I was impatient and went ahead with a slightly higher temperature and the chips were kind of burnt. So, try and stick with the lower temperature.All thanks to Archana for the tips :) I am always inspired by her photographs and tried to click on the same lines this time...but her's is definately much better :-D


You will need:
Apples (any firm variety,I used Granny Smith)
Parchment paper
Baking sheet
Cinnamon powder (optional)

Pre-heat oven to 200 F which is appox. 93C and position rack in the centre.
Wash the apples and slice them fine (with or without seeds). I sliced it with the seeds,hence the beautiful design in the centre.
Lay them on a parchment lined baking sheet making sure you DO NOT overlap the apple slices.
Bake them for 1 hour 15 mins or till they turn pale brown (as you see in the pic) and crisp. It will get more crisp once cooled.
Cool the baked chips completely.
Sprinkle them with cinnamon powder (optional) and store them in airtight containers.

Verdict: We thoroughly enjoyed this healthy treat! It's perfect for tea time or to munch while watching TV. I couldn't stop admiring how cute the chips looked. Everytime I look at the first picture, it reminds me of a flying skirt! :D

Try these wonderful chips at home and stay healthy!


  1. apple chips look adorable ... i must try it ... lovely clicks


    Super Yummy Recipes

  2. Hmm, that looks very crispy and yummy. That's surely a guilt free snack.

  3. I should make then too, for snacking i remember Aparana too made these.
    Looks healthy and yumm.

  4. Ria, too good, indeed the star anise-like center makes it more attractive..wd try wt Royal gala apples, the recipe I saw had soaking slices in sugar syrup overnite, drying them n same process, but I loved ur simple technique. Also tks for mentioning ~°C~ else wd hv taken 200 ! :D Tks for sharing such a visual treat!

  5. Cute looking chips :) The idea of apple as chips is mind blowing :)

  6. They look cute Ria. Love the first picture!

  7. Ever since I saw this at Archana's blog I wanted to make you have inspired me to bake these...

  8. Thats really crispy and awesome apple chips..

  9. i love the cute flowery design in the centre!

  10. Lovely pics Ria,you are such an inspiration to me always !

  11. Wow,such a simple trick to get chips looking so beautiful.When I saw the pics initially,I wondered how you got that intricate pattern in the middle,now the cat is out of the bag!!

  12. hey riya...this z really adorable..never heard n tried such kind of experiment with apple...the centre of apple chips looks soo attractive as u said u didnt remove the seed as well..good effort...loved it...

  13. What a great idea to make Apple chips! Love it... nice presentation as usual!

  14. Wow! Beautiful apple chips! These look so healthy and delicious!
    And girl...urs pictures are gorgeous!!

  15. What a fabulous idea to make chips with apples. Who knew that could be done so easily at home?

    Thank you!


  16. Oh..these surely are one healthy treat I would love to bite on again and again. Love the clicks with the pink background, Ria.

    Lite Bite

  17. I love apple chips but never thought we could make our own, homemade! Love the flower design in the middle, just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Lovely recipe,Ria!And the chips look so nice with the flowery cut-out in the middle!Cute pics:)


  19. I love apple chips, and that design is truly gorgeous!! I'm a big fan fan of baked apple anything, so I'm sure to love these! Will try as soon as I heal :)

  20. What a great n healthy treat that is! Bookmarking it :-)

  21. Have made them and blogged them too, so I know how good they are. But then I like apple baked anyway as long as its not too sweet. Apple pie's my fave. :)
    Your pics are lovely.

  22. Thank you everybody! :) You guys know exactly how to make my day :)

  23. Hi Ria... i tried these today... unfortunately they werent evenly sliced so they didnt bake evenly. BUT im not giving up :D
    And i wish i could spice em up a bit too

  24. Anu,

    Of course! You can spice it up! Let me know how it goes :)

  25. Ria when you are slicing don't the slices become brown?

  26. eeepppeee,try slicing them with a stainless steel blade (of the slicer) or knife,oxidisation happens a little later in that case. I bake these right after I slice them giving them hardly any time to brown. You can toss them in some lime juice if you are worried that it would get browned soon and the tangy taste is not that noticeable in the end.

    Hope this helps!


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Ria Mathew