Saturday, January 7, 2012


Gulab jamun
If you noticed the title, I have mentioned that these Gulab Jamuns are made from scratch. It's just to avoid any confusions that I had when I was searching online for gulab jamun recipes. Many claimed it to be homemade (in the literal sense) and when I reached the recipe part,it asked for xyz brand of Gulab Jamun mix. I can get away with a readymade mix and I have done that many times before but knowing the person that I am, I have to make things at home, if it's possible :) I have searched high and low for a reliable source for it's recipe and have tried quite a few and I must say all of them were disasters. The main problems were a super sticky/stiff/dry dough or gulab jamuns not soaking the syrup.
Gulab Jamuns
Ateast once a week, there would be these experiments in our kitchen and when Jobin comes back home, instead of saying a 'Hello' it used to be 'This is the last time I'm ever going to try this!'. Everything went wrong but I never gave up. So after that, when he opened the main door,he would sniff, smile and say,'I thought last time was the last time!'.
Gulab jamuns
So after many a 'last' time, I got hold of a proportion which worked like a charm for me! You will have to be careful about the consistency of the dough or else it will break while frying.If that happens, add a little more flour to the dough and fry another one.
My own recipe

For the dumplings
1 1/4 c milk powder (Use Everyday- It's available at Indian grocery stores)
1/2 c all purpose flour/ maida
A good pinch of baking soda
3 tbsp cold butter
A few drops of cold milk (not more than 3 tbsp)

Method:Mix together milk together, flour and baking soda. Add the cold butter and rub it well into the flour.It will change the texture of the flour. Add milk little by little( you may or maynot need all of it) and form a smooth yet firm dough. Divide into 25 smooth small balls and deep fry in hot oil.Add the fried dumplings into hot syrup (recipe below) and leave aside for 30 mins.

The  oil should not be very hot or else the centre wouldn't be cooked completely. Add a ball of dough into the hot oil, it should settle at the bottom and rise slowly at the count of 10.That is the perfect temperature for frying the dumplings.

For the sugar syrup
1 1/2 c sugar
1 1/2 water
5 green cardamom pods, crushed

Method: Boil together for 5 mins and keep warm on low heat.
Serve warm or chilled.It's delicious when served with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream.

You can flavour the syrup with Rose water too.

The end result was melt-in-your-mouth Gulab Jamuns. The centres were perfectly cooked and the syrup was well absorbed making the dumplings pleasantly sweet. We really love these homemade Gulab Jamuns,especially Jobin! If at any point you feel that the dough is breaking during frying, add some more flour to the dough and knead it in. Your problem will be solved! :-)


  1. wow thats looks so yummy, appetizing!.

  2. An anytime favorite dessert!Looks lovely and tempting....

  3. Hey ria,
    can u tell me if kala jamuns(the big,not so soaked variation)could be made from the same mix?

  4. Looks perfect! Can't wait to try your recipe!

  5. Totally Yummy..Delciious..Love to try it..Bookmarked


  6. I was looking for Homemade Gulab jamun, usually we prepared with Gits packets.
    Thanx for sharing.
    I will try soon

  7. Looks too yummy Ria. Its so nice to find recipes made from scratch. That's why I rely on your blog for many recipes :)

  8. Just want to pop some into my mouth, very tempting Ria! Great recipe!

  9. looks gorgeous... love that dark brown colour, almost like kala jamun (my fav!)

  10. Is kala jamun made the same way?

  11. Ramya, I am sure you can make Kala Jamuns with this recipe but from what I know,there's an addition of some sugar to the mix plus it's fried twice to get that dark black colour.

    Jobin, why don't you get home and experiment? We are out of desserts anyway :)

  12. Oh Ria i must say i had the same issues with all the home-made recipes out there..but unlike you i just gave up...but ur recipe is tempting me to try again!! Love all the pics and thank you for responding to my query.

  13. Hey,
    I'm in the middle of process...
    I followed your instruction; when i fried my gulab jamun literally melt in oil.
    Turn in to black residue, though I was checking for proper temp.
    Awaiting reply

  14. Wow! I have always been looking for a good from scratch recipe for gulab jamun. Search ends NOW!

  15. Rashida, what's the consistency of your dough? Too soft? From my previous experience, you seem to have added a lot of milk. Add more flour and some more milk powder and get to it a soft yet firm dough.

  16. Thanks, I added flour and milk powder, It works... It came out perfect. I guess butter should be in less quantity.
    Gulab jamun hit in my house. :-)

  17. Thank you yet again Ria for sharing a fabulous recipe of home made gulab jamoons! I tried them at home and they turned out superb!! I just used an extra tbsp of butter as I found it a bit hard to knead the mixture into a dough and wetting my finger tips with milk also helped. Thanks for your generosity!

  18. Hi Ria! Ian vava is keeping you busy, i guess. I have a small query, many recipes i read for gulab jamun it is mentioned the dough should just come together and not to mix like we would for a chappati dough. Is that how you did as well?? I made gulab jamuns yesterday, a different recipe though and it split the moment i put it in the syrup and wasnt cooked well inside. I am surely going to make your recipe this weekend, will come back to let you know.

  19. I have tried this recipe it came out well.

  20. Riya I'm amazed at how well explained your recipes are:) gonna try out your gulab jamun,will let you know the outcome or as you say it-the verdict:) tia - Meera

  21. Riya I'm amazed at how well explained your recipes are:) gonna try out your gulab jamun,will let you know the outcome or as you say it-the verdict:) tia - Meera


Thank you for stopping by!
If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

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Ria Mathew