Monday, February 23, 2015

CHOCOLATE MOUSSE CAKE ... as we turn 5!

Chocolate Mousse Cake
It was our FIFTH wedding anniversary last Sunday! 5 years flew by so fast and I think the best thing to happen to us in the last five years is, Ian. For us, the second week in February is always special.Valentines day and our wedding anniversary falls back to back. So,as always the special meal for our anniversary is cooked on 14th evening and we go out for our anniversary celebrations on the actual day. This time, I made a delicious Beef Short Rib Ragu with Homemade Gnocchi & Baked Vanilla Bean Yogurt for dessert. It was insanely delicious!

Chocolate Mousse Cake
Aaaaannnnd for the cake.Let's talk about THE cake now. I made a Chocolate Mousse cake for us. It was a big cake and it was composed of some really good components. It took me a few days to bring it all together because I was working on a very slow motion mode that week. Even though it stole a few days from me, it was very rewarding! I think it ranks very high in the list of my- most- favourite- cakes that I've baked in my entire life! Decadent. Moist. Delicious. Not a crumb was spared.


  1. anniversaries are always days to be cherished... may you celebrate many many more... that cake looks so decadent! hope to see the recipe soon... :)

  2. Wishing you another 100 more joyful happy anniversaries. Love ur recipes.

  3. so soft n yum
    happy to follow u

  4. Please share the recipe for this cake Ria. Since you made this post, I have been religiously browsing your blog every 5 or 6 days to see if this cake is explained.


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Ria Mathew