Thursday, June 4, 2015


Monica Bhide
I know that this post is long overdue! Thanks for checking in on me to see if everything is alright! ;-) It was a celebratory weekend so things got very busy.I am sorry,many of you thought this was one of Monica's cookbooks but it isn't. It's a collection of personal stories related to food. It's as awesome as her cookbooks! So without further delay,here are the winners!

Congratulations Jina,Amrita,Kaveri & Serene!!
So send your address to airmathew AT gmail DOT com and I shall post your copies as soon as I can!
If I don't get a response from you within a week, I will be choosing another winner.

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by!
If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

If you have any specific doubts, please feel free to use the 'Contact Me' form, so that I can answer to your queries faster and more effectively.

Ria Mathew