Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Finally...we are settled in our new apartment! It's been 6 months since I have stayed away from doing the DB challenge! So many things happened in my life in those months...I got married to Jobin and even moved to another continent! :) But then, I miss those months. Those days were fun. Endless shopping and travelling and hotel food! :)

Sigh! Do all good things have to come to an end?? It's not that I am not having a good time now, but still... Anyway, when I checked the DB challenge this month, I realised that it's exactly one year since I joined DB, yep, I joined DB in April 09. So I have to do this month's challenge to celebrate my one year (rather 6 months) baking with them!

The April 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Esther of The Lilac Kitchen. She challenged everyone to make a traditional British pudding using, if possible, a very traditional British ingredient: suet.


100 grams/4 ounces) All-purpose flour
(1/4 teaspoon) salt
(1.5 teaspoons) Baking powder
(100 grams/4 ounces) breadcrumbs ( I didn't have any, so I used semolina)
(75 grams/3 ounces) Caster sugar
(75 grams/ 3 ounces) Shredded suet or suet substitute ( I used regular unsalted butter,melted)
(1) large egg
(6 to 8 tablespoons) Cold milk
1 tsp orange zest
3 whole oranges segmented to line the bottom of the pudding dish

  • Sift flour, salt and baking powder into bowl. 
  • Add semolina, sugar,orange zest and suet (I used regular unsalted butter)
  •  Mix to a soft batter with beaten egg and milk Turn into a buttered 1 litre/ 2pint pudding basin and cover securely with buttered greaseproof paper or aluminum foil. ( I used individual ramekins and lined the buttered base with segmented oranges )Steam steadily for 2.5 to 3 hours.
  • Turn out onto warm plate, Serve with sweet sauce to taste such as custard, caramel or a sweetened fruit sauce.

My own recipe

Freshly squeezed orange juice-1/2 cup
Blackberries- 1/2 cup
Granulated sugar- 1 tbsp

  • Mix orange juice, blackberries and sugar together.
  • Mash the berries slightly with a fork and leave aside for 15 mins.
  • Heat the mixture and keep mashing the berries occasionally.
  • Remove from heat when thickened.
  • Pour over the pudding and enjoy!!
  • It can be served both hot or cold.

Verdict: It was delicious to the last crumb! The sauce was well recieved and it complemented the pudding very well. Jobin loved the sauce so much that I felt that he was eating the pudding as a side ;)


  1. I love the orangey-ness! ( if there's a word like that) Lovely flavor combo too.

    Glad you're settling in, Ria!

  2. I know how difficult it is to leave everything behind and settle into a new place and on top of that new country and culture. But you sure have the company of food and us :-)
    That pudding looks really good Ria!
    I love orange cakes, wanna try this pudding now.. Will let you know if I do so.

  3. Congrats and all the best for new beginning for ur married life Ria. By the way the pudding looks gorgeous.. wonderful combination.


  4. Love how nice and cheery this pudding looks. Especially compared to the darker things I've seen around.

  5. Good to see you back you certainly have had a lot of BIG changes in your life.

    Your puddings lot so delicious and so beautiful - well done on this challenge and happy one year (or is it six months) DBer-versary,

    Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  6. The orange blackberry sauce on top is so beautifuL Hi hi i am sure jobin like that you are in DB so he can enjoy all this delcious desserts.

  7. Oh wow..uve outdone urself..this is absolutely brilliant!

  8. Pudding looks too good ... I want to have atleast a bite of it.:)

  9. thats a lovely creation Ria. before eating we need to sit and appreciate its beauty. the look only confirms it must have tasted great too.

  10. Very beautifully done and well plated...

  11. your puddings are gorgeous! congrats on your marriage. i know that its hard to settle down in one place after you have been off traveling the world (i've been there too) but i am hoping that you will enjoy this time of just being still as well.

  12. WOW!! Delicious pudding..and brilliant pics..

  13. Hmmmm...yummy pudding..i missed this month DB challenge...:(

  14. Good to see you back with the DB challenge.Its been sometime since I tried making any pudding of sort..steamed pudding is such a great idea..its getting so hot here that even getting into the kitchen seems like a chore..lol.

    On the contrary,I can see you are having a great time in your kitchen!!Happy Cooking-baking-innovating!!!

  15. Really yummy. love the colors and the presentation.

  16. Congratulations on a year and ure wedding....

    We'll be celebrating our anniversary together next April :)
    Made Steamed Chocolate Pudding & Steamed Apple n Caramel Pudding for Daring Bakers April 2010 - My First Challenge

    Your fair lady is locking rocking as ever :)

  17. Good to know you've settled in. And a great way to celebrate everything with this pudding. Interesting fruit sauce. :)

  18. The pudding looks gorgeous Ria! I loved every pic that u have taken. It's brilliant. Lovely presentation too :)

  19. Your pudding looks gorgeous! I love the colors! Nice job on the challenge.

  20. Thats an attractive sauce, great idea to use up fruit. I'm sure it would work well with other baked goods too. Yum. I liked this challenge, it was very do-able!


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Ria Mathew