Thursday, September 23, 2010


emember that I made some Dahi Vada's a few days ago? No? Okay, I made some Dahi Vada's a few days ago and I wanted to make some real doughnut shaped vadas for it. But again, who would see what's beneath the yogurt sauce? It would be just me since I am making them...and yes, Jobin too as he was poking around the kitchen because it was very tempting! Other than that,no one ever saw anything.

Yesterday,we had the real doughnut shaped vadas for brekky...with some Onion Chutney. They were very good. This was the first time that I am trying my hand at making them. It came out pretty fine, so I thought I'd share the making of it with you all. I know, I know, many of you must have mastered the art but I bet there will be are many like me who wants to know how :-)

Get the batter ready. You can see my recipe here.

Wet your palm and fingers and grab a small ball of the batter/dough and make a smooth ball out of it.

Flatten them using your fingers into a nice smooth circle.

Poke a hole in the centre of it using your pointer /middle finger.

Then it should look like this.

Drop them into hot oil (350F) so that they sizzle and get fried.If you think the outside is getting browned very fast, reduce the flame and fry them.

Once fried to a nice golden brown colour, lift them out using a slotted spoon and drain the excess oil.Transfer them to a plate lined with kitchen towel .Serve them hot with Onion chutney!

Verdict: A crunch with every bite!


  1. very nice pictorial. I once tried making them but could not get the shape right. now I can again try this.

  2. Perfect vadas Ria...can I have some!!...No I will the Dahi Vada instead :))

  3. Perfect shaped vadas... Very tempting.. Very nice pictorial presentation.. First time here. You have a nice blog...

  4. Hey Ria,

    They were serving Dahi Vadas in my office cafeteria one day and so wanted to have them. Didn't have 'em thinking that my kiddos and hubby would have also loved to have them. So wanted to make them at home but didn't know how. Remembered my Bhabi having made them but using some store brought ready mix. Have been hunting for this mis but in vain. And then you posted Dahi Vada. Will be making them in the weekend and let you know how they turn out. Thanks for the step by step pictorial.

    Love your collection.

  5. Hi Ria, The vadas look yum, I tried once or twice before, but failed to get the cosistency right :(

  6. Great tutorial!! Perfect looking vadas :)

  7. lovely ulundhu vadas...and i love your ring with all the stones around it...and the draining ladle. lovely pics and step by step explanation..


  8. looks perfect and crunchy.the recipe given step by step and pic are very nice
    i am ist time here very nice space do visit my blog.

  9. Hey Ria,
    here first time...and loved the space you have.
    So nice of you to present the vada making step by step..they look damn crispy and yummy!


  10. Ria,

    Since i noticed the photos properly this time i have a question. i see that your cooking range is also electric. what chatti do you use for deep frying? normal iron ones that we use back home? does it heat uniformly? ahhh what lovely vadais. i'll be making them tomorrow:)

  11. Thank you everyone :)

    Latha- I use a deep pan that I bought from JC Penny.I tried everywhere to find a smaller one, so that I could reduce the amount of oil I will have to use. So, I settled in for a this. It heats uniformly because if you turn the pan, you will notice that the heating part is only at the bottom, maybe for 6 cm diameter.So, basically that's the part which is in contact with our stove. Just check for that when you shop, then you shouldn't have any problem. Even my 'appachatti' works perfect on the electric stove.

  12. The vadas look simply amazing....I did give the recipe a try & unfortunately the dough consistency didn't look the same. Did you use the 1/2 cup water? becoz mine seemed more on the softer side. I am amazed at how you were able to shape them up so easily.

  13. Food- I'm sorry to hear that! :-/

    Yes, I did use the 1/2 c of water.Did you use the measuring cup(my 1 cup is approx. 250 ml) or did you use the same cup to measure throughout (dal and water)? If so, this should work fine.
    Did you add the rice flour mentioned in the recipe? That will absorb some water and get the batter together.

    If you have done all of the above, and still is in doubt, next time add less water (maybe 2 tbsp less) and adjust the rice flour accordingly. If you feel you need to add an extra bit of rice flour, go ahead and get the batter together!

    I hope this helps!


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Ria Mathew