Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PEAR & CHOCOLATE CRUMBLE...perfect for the season!

This season, some of my favourite fruits have vanished from the scene...but some not-so favourite ones before, are becoming my favourites now :-)  Pear is one amongst them. Yes, they are crunchy, sweet and juicy but they just cannot beat the Bing Cherries! Surprisingly, one of my friends, kind of hates cherries. Umm..so maybe it depends from person to person.
Crumbles are a firm favourite with us. I have made a Cherry crumble before and Jobin was hooked on to it. Then I made an Apple crumble which never appeared on the blog because it was a big hit amongst Jobin and his mom. We dug into the bowls like there was no tomorrow! :-)
Everytime I go near the produce section of our supermaket, I become very slow. I drag the cart along. Jobin sometimes seem to be lost ,thinking why do I behave like that everytime 'all of a sudden'...you know like the 'slow motion' scenes in movies? Hehe,I love  looking at all the colourful fruits that we get here and those we never get in India. I somehow enjoy taking a stroll around the fruits and thinking about what I can possibly do with each one of them...but in reality, it rarely happens because I can get very lazy at times and eat the fruit as it is! :)

This time, it was Pear & Chocolate Crumble for our 'Sweet Punch' bake for the month of December.We all were given a recipe but I chose to go with my own measurements. It is so perfect for these cold days that we are having right now in Minneapolis.We need something warm to keep us warm...be it dessert or clothes!
My own recipe

2 pears, peeled, cored and chopped into 1" pieces
Sugar to taste
1 tsp lime juice
3 oz milk chocolate, roughly chopped

For the crumble:
1/2 c all purpose flour
1/2 c oatmeal, crushed by hand
Sugar to taste (use light/dark brown sugar, if available)
1 tbsp cold unsalted butter, diced
2 tbsp almond slivers, broken up

Pre- heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas mark 4.Grease 6 oven proof ramekins.
In a bowl, mix together the chopped pears,sugar,lime juice and half the chocolate.Divide them equally among the ramekins,spooning over any remaining juice.
For making the crumble,mix together flour and butter and rub it with your fingertips till it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in rest of the ingredients.
Spoon the crumble over the pears. I always like to make extra topping,so that there is a good crunch all the way.
Transfer the crumble to a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden and bubbly.
Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Verdict: Jobin eyebrows shot up as he took the first bite.I closed my eyes and enjoyed the chocolate and pear combo...
In Jobin's words,' It was a very yummy dessert!' :) As always,we loved the crumble, maybe a bit more this time...because of chocolate!

I am sending this dessert as an entry to Monthly Mingle- Chocolate Extravaganza hosted by myself :-)


  1. The crumble look healthy and delicious as well. Would love to try peers and oats in my crumble. Lovely click.

  2. Yum !!!
    Also the thrid photo completely takes my breath away, yet another winner !

  3. I love cooking with pears and I love crumbles too. This pear and chocolate combo looks delish!

  4. Definitely this is perfect for this weather, looks gorgeous.

  5. Back with a Punch??Hehe!Loved it,I am a crumble convert now!!

  6. Hey Ria,

    The crumble looks yumm...:)



  7. Looks so fantastic :) love your photography in recent times.. lovely background.

  8. Lovely crumble Ria !!! Beautiful pictures as well. I know how u enjoyed warm crumble in cold MN mmmmmmmm :)

  9. That's a load of prettiness there! Love the colors!

  10. Cant take my eyes from ur clicks, absolutely irresistible crumble..

  11. pics are great and I am so drooling here...And I have pears in my fridge Ria :)

  12. Your pictures make me long for this.I think I know what I should have for my breakfast :).

  13. What beautiful pictures, it has come out so well :)

  14. I love crumbles of any kind, but would never have thought of adding chocolate! That looks delicious. I love hearing your store experiences :)

  15. yum! and love the shades of blue and purple in there!

  16. Ur blog is superb... i have recently started cooking and am intimidated by baking... :)
    Ur pics are amazing :)

  17. This is such a simple and dare I say it, obvious combination that I am stumped why I've never seen it done anywhere before. I love pears and chocolate together and I love crumble but all three in one place, what heaven! I may see if I can make this this weekend (ambitious goal, I am sooo busy I may have to prioritise my Monthly Mingle entry and do this another time) xx

  18. Hey Ria.
    I made this for my grandmom and mother today morning. :) They really liked it. So did I. Thank you for sharing such a delicious recipe.

  19. Thanks everyone!!!

    Variable- Thanks for trying, so glad to know all the ladies in your house liked it :)


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If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

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Ria Mathew