Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Isomehow just cannot get enough of this pudding. This has been one of my firm favourites due to ease and taste. It's not that I have't blogged about it, it's just that I have improved in photography over the years and I wanted to give this pudding a better look and share it with you all so that this deliciousness wouldn't go unnoticed! It needs attention :-) I have plenty of time in my hands when it comes to dessert and I want it to look as pretty as it can even if I am standing on one leg in my messy kitchen :-)
This recipe comes from my Aunt Beeji. She is my dad's cousin and I remember asking her for some recipes a  long time ago, easily 10 years ago. She said she has this yummy biscuit pudding recipe which she shall send me once she gets back home, which she did. I love recieveing letters especially in this world of everything electronic.There's something about fresh ink and paper, it's so personal, so touching that makes you want to treasure it.
I still have that copy she sent me. She sent me some fabulous icing recipes too, along with it. I have used her 'Fudge Frosting' recipe on my Mahogany Cake and it is a winner. You need to work fast with that icing because it might dry out otherwise and be a bit crackly.
So here's is the recipe (once again!) for my favourite easy pudding as I celebrate the success of my little blog having 600,000 hits!

Recipe source: Beeji Aunty
Serves 6-8 depending on the size of your dish.

200g Marie biscuits,crushed
100gSalted butter at room temperature
1 1/2 c milk
1 c sugar
3 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp cornflour
1 tsp Vanilla/Rum

1 c heavy cream, whipped

Mix together crushed biscuits and butter till they are soft and sand-like. Spoon in half of it into wine glasses and press it with a spoon and level it.Reserve the remaining biscuit crumbs aside.
Make a thick sauce by boiling together milk,sugar, cocoa powder & cornflour.Whisk constantly to obtain a smooth sauce .When cooled, add vanilla/rum. Divide this among the wine glasses.
Top it with the remaining biscuit crumbs and then put a blob or two of whipped cream in each glass.
Let it set in the fridge for 4 hours. Serve cold.
You can decorate with a cube/square of chocolate like I did :-)

Verdict: I can eat this for brekky, lunch, tea time and dinner! I love this pudding so much that I convinced Amma to add it to her 'Cookery Class Menu'. There is nothing to go wrong with this recipe, so it's simply fool proof! Go ahead and try it for yourself and if you do, please let me know how you liked it :-)


  1. Simple and delicious dessert :) Love the clicks a lot. The blue makes the pics look so fresh and nice :)

    Congrats on the big number :)

  2. Ria,
    The puding is definitly yummy.The only problem I found was its presentation when I made it in a bigger pan and tried to cut into individual portions to serve. But your way of making it in individual servings will take care of that part. Thank for sharing

  3. wow, amazing dear, love this one. And, wow, 600,000 hits, great job :)

  4. Oh wow, that's a very impressive figure--I envy you ;) Honestly, you deserve all the success with all the amazing work you do Ria. As for the pudding, I make something similar and my son loves it. I can just imagine how good yours taste!

  5. I am drooling here....Yummy!

  6. Oh my stomach growls after i look at the pics of the pudding. So simple yet they look so mouth-watering! Congrats on achieving 600,000 hits! Keep on posting great recipes! =)

  7. Beautiful presentation..looks yum

  8. this is lovely! i love desserts with marie biscuits and chocolate sauce :)

  9. wonderful post! congrats on the hits:) well-deserved!


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If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

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Ria Mathew