Wednesday, April 7, 2010

JOIN US @ A Sweet at a time!

A sweet punch...One at a time.

About Us:

Baking a cake or a dessert is not something only experts can do rather, it is something which each one of us can. Many of us are simply intimidated by it. All you need is a good recipe and fresh ingredients, then nothing can go wrong.

Here, we Maria Jose, Divya Kudua & Yours truly are trying to make baking as simple as possible, bringing you a tried and tested recipe every month. It could be either from cookbooks or from other food-blogs.All you need to do is, follow the recipe and create magic! Do not forget to click pictures (if possible all along the way) and post it on the reveal date. Non-bloggers are also welcome. All you need to do is to e-mail us your entries and we will include it for our round-up.

So, what are you waiting for? Don your aprons,grab your whisk and let's get baking!

Your contribution:
1.Try to stick to the recipe as far as you can but you can make changes to suit your religious/ dietary requirements.
2.You CANNOT reveal the recipe before the reveal date. Post it on your blog on the reveal date ONLY.
3.Try and bake every month, but if you cannot it's alright,just let us know.A member can miss upto 5 out of 12 months.
4.Any suggestions for improvement, do  let us know!

What we will be baking:
1.Cakes:Bundts,Filled cakes & Plain cakes
2.Cupcakes & Muffins
3.Roulades & Swiss rolls
5.Cold & hot puddings
6.Mousses, souffles (sweet & savoury)
7.Fruit recipes:Galettes,Cobblers,Crumble
8.Meringue cookies/cakes
9.Bars, brownies
12.Your choice

Posting Date- 7th of every month
Reveal Date-1st of every month

So, if you would like to join us, drop in a comment or send us an email to : asweetpunch AT gmail DOT com.


  1. Hi Ria,
    I would love to join this group....My email id is

  2. Yummy pudding and cake... awesome.


  3. hi Ria....

    It's been ages since I baked something.... but after going through your blog it's been so nostalgic for me that I really started missing the whisking, beating and folding batter and the smell of freshly baked goodies.

    Your idea of this new group really caught my attention and I'd like to give it a least it will be motivation to stay away from my books and studying boring topics and start to bake again.

    Well....I have quite a number of blogs for different groups and I'm starting a new one to post these entries....:) ha ha ha...I don't want people to know that my intellectual persona is quite fragile...and I have these feminine leanings to cooking... baking... etc. Tooooo bad for my 'image' !!!!

    So count me in....I hope to do justice to this and spare time from my studies ... even at this age studying ?? ....I can see your amused smile... :)

    Well...studying is another passion of mine and proficiency in various unrelated subjects is my forte.
    It's wonderful to see you follow your Mom's talent in cooking...and after going through the wedding pictures I felt as though I was there ( though I heard all the tidbits from Thomas uncle, I missed meeting so many people 'cos of my absence )

    I had to attend the contact classes in Bangalore for the Master's degree I'm pursuing now and that's why I was absent there.

    Though quite belated....let me wish you and Jobin a wonderful life ahead with God's blessings aplenty on you both :)

    lots of love
    Rosalind (Rose)

  4. Hey Ria..I have been following your blog for sometime now n' like all your recipes.
    Love the idea of sweet punch..I am an amateur baker n' would love to contribute.will mail u a recipe soon:):)

  5. Faiza- I have added you to our list

    Pavithra- Thank you so much!

    Rosalind aunty- Whoa! Now that must have been the longest comment I have ever got!! I am so glad that you are joining us!!

    Accidental Diva- Thank you!!

  6. Hi Ria,
    I do love baking and love the goodies from your kitchen,so count me in for this.

  7. Hey Ria,
    Another lover of baking and an admirer of your blog here!
    I would love to join you guys and share some of my recipes as well.
    Please count me in.

  8. Hi Ria,
    This is a wonderful idea....please count me in...I would like to try it out too...


  9. Vidhya & Neo - Kindly e-mail us at asweetpunch AT gmail DOT com to add you to our list. Because you haven't left your contact details for us to get in touch with you.Thank you for showing interest!

  10. Hey Ria,
    I got an email from 'sweetpunch' at to check if I have a gamil id. Although the link that has been sent is not working but I do have a gmail id so if you could drop an email to ''
    Looking forward to it.


  11. Hi Ria,
    Your blog looks simply fabulous, your recipes and photographs are truly amazing. I would like to join your group too with my little bit of baking experience. I have mailed you already twice, waiting for your reply.
    My mail
    My Blog:

  12. Hi Ria
    you have such an awesome blog. can i join your group? i love to bake but not a great baker though.
    my email id is
    please do send the details

  13. I would luv to join your group.

    ma email id is

  14. Hi Ria would love to join this group.. my mail Id is


  15. Hi Ria,
    I have been seeing these recipes for some time now, I do bake but most of the times it is a flop. I make a mistake somewhere.

    Anyway I will be having experts pointing out where I go wrong and also since I have to post it here I am sure I will be extra careful. With this background do you think I can join you?
    Please let me know either way

  16. Hai Ria, I am a budding baker and I am very happy to join.
    My id is

  17. Hi Ria :) Good to see a post abt the group with I had little known before :)

    Yup its time for me to join you guys and whip up some good cakes etc :) Count me in and will try to do my best :)

    Pretty excited to join you talented girls :)

  18. Hmm
    Joining u n ur little talented queens mights transfer the baking magic to me too...!!!HE-He Even my box cakes go wrong!!! Can u Belive that??


Thank you for stopping by!
If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

If you have any specific doubts, please feel free to use the 'Contact Me' form, so that I can answer to your queries faster and more effectively.

Ria Mathew