Friday, February 4, 2011


Thank you all so much for your precious comments on my Interview in Women's Era Jan 2011. You guys rock!! Now let me get my feet firm back on the ground! :-) It still feel so surreal! Anyhow, I baked a batch of brownies  before 'the' news broke but I wanted to share that  with you more than the baked goodie, so the brownie post had to wait.
There's something with me and brownies. I just cannot let go off a single recipe! I read through it and try to compare to what I have made before. And I bake a batch of 'em. This happens all the time including this time :-) Jobin doesn't seem to get fed up with it, so it's kind of OK with me baking brownies every now and then. This one is again from Alice's new book and is definately a delicious one.I just realised that I should tell you about my 'certain' food problems.

Whenever something (obviously food!) catches my fancy,I have to make it at home,whatever it may take and however long I have to wait! Initially it was the Joconde Imprime on the Chocolate Mousse Cake I found in Bangalore then it was Brownies and now I have many many more to add to my list and all of them are WIP (Work In Progress). I hunted for the perfect homemade brownie and made an American Brownie using my friend's mom's recipe.But now, my taste has definately refined over the years and I am looking for much more intense flavoured, chocolate-y stuff. Of course, I have my go-to recipe for a good brownie...but I still love that anxiety,that excitement, that wonder, the pressure of getting the crackly crust and the perfect texture inside it. That makes me go on and on baking brownies one after another!

Now, I have laid my eyes on a few things which I really want to try at home and someday I will. Till then, let me leave you with yet another intensely chocolate-y brownie recipe :)

Recipe:Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy by Alice Medrich. Pg 225

4 tbsp unsalted butter
11 oz (approx.300g) chocolate chips
2/3 c sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
2 large eggs,cold
1/3 c plus 1 tbsp  unbleached all purpose flour
1 c almonds
Chocolate Almond Brownies

Line an 8-inch square tin, the bottom and all 4 sides with foil.
Pre-heat oven to 180C/350F and position the rack in the middle.

Melt the chocolate and butter together, till smooth.
Stir in the sugar, salt and vanilla, if using.
Add 1 egg, stirring until it is incorporated. Repeat with the second egg.
Stir in the flour and beat with a wooden spoon or spatula until the batter is smooth and glossy and comes away from the sides of the bowl; it is critical that the batter pulls away, so do not stop mixing until it does.
Pour into the baking tin,spread it evenly but with lots of raised swirls and ridges and top with almonds.
Bake for 30-35 mins, until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out with a few moist crumbs, not totally gooey.
Cool on rack, lift the foil ends to transfer the brownies to a cutting board. Cut into 16 squares.

Verdict: Just like any other Alice's recipe, this one is equally good. It has a deep chocolate-y taste and the crunch provided by the almonds add to the delicious-ness! Gosh, I really hope somebody comes up with a rule of no more new brownie recipe ever again! ;-) This is a temptation which I find hard to resist. I mean, look at those soft-bellied chocolate can you just take your eyes off them ??


  1. How i wish I has few slices i know i am greedy. Brownies look so perfect and yumm.

  2. That looks incredibly dense....I was looking for a brownie recipe and then I found this...:D

  3. so tempting ki grab it now

  4. Those look so good and those almonds make them look even better. What a nice way to add a little crunch. I have a sweet treat linky party on my blog called "Sweets for a Saturday" and I'd like to invite you to stop by this weekend and link your brownies up.

  5. Looks fabulous & absolutely delicious!

  6. Ria,

    If you were somewhere closeby in Dallas, I would have definetly dropped by your place to enjoy these brownies.Ente laptopale motham vallam annu............YUM. igane kothipikale


  7. Perfect tempting brownies, wonderful clicks

  8. Lovely clicks, the brownies look very delicious and chocolaty. Beautiful frosting.

  9. Ohhhhh Ria how gorgeous! I have been flipping through my copy deciding what to bake first! This seems like a perfect start!
    I love that tray that you served them on! Reminds me of the chairs with a flat arm-rest cum tabletop to put our note books on which we used to have in some of our elective class rooms!

  10. feel like pciking one
    btw i luv ur header,..looking so good,..

  11. wow, I soooooooo want it, love your presentation.

  12. Irresistible and delectable brownies.

  13. These brownies look sensational. I would love to snack on one right now!

  14. Oooooooooooh that looks perfect.. crispy crunchy and chewy inside.. certainly makes me drool Ria. Awesome :)

  15. Perfect Brownies Ria!! I made a Passionfruit brownie last weekend.. will post it in a couple of days :)...

  16. Oh wow those look so gorgeously fudgy! Truly delicious.

    P.S - The rings in your header? For the V-day post?

  17. Made these brownies (minus the almonds) ...Kept tasting and tasting and finally its over... Have to make a second batch today to give to a friend....

  18. Very yummy brownie indeed ����������


Thank you for stopping by!
If you have tried any of the recipes featured here, please let me know how you liked it because it might help others :)

If you have any specific doubts, please feel free to use the 'Contact Me' form, so that I can answer to your queries faster and more effectively.

Ria Mathew