Monday, March 12, 2012


Lemon Yogurt Cake

Ibaked my very own cake,for the first time! When I say that, I mean, I didn't use anybody's recipe but my own proportions to bring it all together.Don't ask me how I got till was a long bumpy ride on a very dull Thursday. Fortunately the end result was mind blowing that being sad the whole day didn't matter after all! All the thoughts, worries and confusions yielded in an awesome sauce lemony cake!
OK. I have to tell you that long story and I am not going to cut it short :-)

Lemon Yogurt Cake

Last Thursday was quite eventful at home, on the lines of baking. I tried my hand at baking a piped cookie whose dough was just not pipe-able so I rolled them into small balls and baked it. It came out just OK and not so good as the recipe stated. It was a butter cookie and there was a lot of butter in it. I cannot waste butter even if I have to waste the rest of the ingredients. Yeah! I'm like that.

Lemon Yogurt Cake

So after a so-so butter cookie, I thought I'll do something to get me going.It's been days since I've been longing to eat a lemon flavoured cake. The hunt was on for a good recipe but seriously, I couldn't get one. During our many e-mails throughout the day, Jobin mentioned he was going for out with his colleagues after work and will be late to get back home. I got that email right after that stupid cookie and when all my search for the perfect lemon cake came to a full stop.

Lemon Yogurt Cake

I whined. I wrote back saying 'I'm sad.I want to eat a nice plain lemon cake.I cannot find any recipe.Tried baking a cookie. Flop aayi. Sad.' I mean, seriously...when there are so many food blogs and recipe websites, how is it that I cannot find one recipe which sounded good to me??? Most of them had some sort of a topping going over the hot cake and I didn't want that extra sugar going into our bodies, if I could help it. So I thought I'll compromise and start on with Amma's recipe for her famous cake. That was the beginning...just the beginning of everything!

Lemon Yogurt Cake

I took out my brand new digital weighing scale that I was sent for a review and started off measuring butter and sugar. I dumped them into my Reddie to do it's work. Then I moved onto measuring the flour and I painstakingly realised that I was short on it! The butter and sugar was busy creaming up and I don't have enough flour! Ok, let's move onto Plan B...I shall make do with some wheat flour then. Hmph! Ok, now grab the eggs...and for some strange reason, I knew there were not  many eggs left in the fridge. Sadly,it was true.I looked back at my Reddie and couldn't even think of dumping that butter!

Seriously, that was not my day! I am usually very careful and pull out all the ingredients before I start baking and I have no clue what was going on with me that day! I was so let down that I couldn't get a simple cookie right and finally this cake too? Like I said before, the end result changed everything! :-)

My own recipe

180g unsalted butter, softened
240g sugar
3 whole eggs plus 1 egg yolk
Zest & ( 3 tbsp ) juice of  1 lime or lemon
200g maida/all purpose flour
40g whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
5 tbsp yogurt

Method: Pre-heat the oven to 180 C/ 350 F. Line a 9 inch baking tin.
In a bowl, whisk together flours, salt, baking powder & baking soda.In another large bowl, beat together butter and sugar till creamy,for 2 mins. Add the eggs one by one and beat for 30 secs after each addition. Add the lime juice and zest and beat for 30 secs. The mixture will curdle but it doesn't matter. Add the flour mix and beat to incorporate. Add the yogurt and beat on high for a minute or two. Pour the batter into the tin and bake for 1 hour 10 mins. Your oven timings maybe different, so keep checking from 45 mins.

*Updated on 26/4/2020 - Over the years I revised the method for making the cake batter. Add all the ingredients into a bowl and beat it on high speed using a hand mixer for 2 minutes.
  • My current oven bakes the cake in 45 minutes.
  • You can use 4 whole eggs instead.
  • You can use 240 grams of maida/ all purpose flour instead.
  • My 1 cup flour measures 120 grams and 1 cup sugar 200 grams. 

I always dreamt about creating my own cake recipes and never did I even dream that it would be through an accident, a very careless accident! I've actually had a successful accident a while ago and it grabbed me 1st place at a competition too! So, no complaints with accidents! ;-) Don't worry, this cake wouldn't stick to the bottom of your pan as you saw in a photograph above, I was just piling up the crumbs into the tin after I got the cake out of it.

This cake was so so soft that I feared it would crumble in my hands when I unmoulded it. The lemon taste was spot on and the cake was so buttery & incredibly moist! I am so proud of myself ! :-) It really is a wonderful delicious lemon yogurt cake!


  1. Lemon Yogurt Cake!! I declare thee Ria, the latest baking goddess!! Bookmarking (have bookmarked so many of your recipes!!)

  2. Wow..The cake looks so soft and spongy..I love lemon in anything..

  3. Moist cake and your efforts did not go in vain ria. I do baking too when iam feeling low.

  4. Wow,wonderful dear.... Can you pls suggest the eggless way of baking too.....

  5. Indeed a SUCCESS there Ria..Perfect and truly deserving cheers ...Imagining the lemon-yogurt flavor,I feel for it badly..

  6. That's too good Ria. Would love to see more such accidents :)Loved that texture and colour of the cake.

  7. I am definitely making this Ria :) Looks so good!

  8. wow awesome cake...perfectly baked...

  9. The texture is so nice..soft n fluffy..sometime kitchen experiments turn 2 a keeper recipes n this is such example

  10. Wow creating a cake recipe from scratch deserves a big applaud:)the slice looks so good-bookmarking this one to try!

  11. looks exactly like the lemony sponge cake that we used to get in bakeries back in chennai ;)

  12. What a success! Love that you used wheat flour. the texture looks so moist. Great job Ria!

  13. wow.. thats an amazing one Ria.. Looks so soft n moist.. Should definitely try this out sometime..

  14. Ria,
    i tried this last evening to accompany our evening tea and we both loved it. Bookmarked this to try when my in-laws come! To impress them ;) Loved the texture. Came out really moist and fluffy.

  15. You know what I have been looking for a khara biscuit recipe .. u know the ones we get in bakery stores in India and not successful ..yet! So I baked a batch today .. on my own and it turned out just ok !!
    I love lemon cake and yours is looking so fluffy and nice. I have lemon mint cake in mt blog.. it was posted on the very initial days pf blogging. It's a hit among my friends and families :) You may want to give it a try but have to warm you. The photo looks horrible. (Super initial days of blogging :))

    I love that you used whole wheat .. that makes it healthy.

  16. Looks so golden n perfect...I miss ur cakes :-( :-) !!

  17. Congrats for creating a cake recipe from scratch Ria :).. Thats a beautiful cake with lovely colour and texture dear:)...

  18. A Comment that came in via e-mail :

    Hola Ria!:-)....stumbled upon your blog recently and now goes without saying that this is my new guide....:-) have a flair for writing, capturing your creations through the lens and ofcourse, the most obvious one, cooking..:-)....I love love love food....pretty much the only channel that I watch with a passion is Food Network..:-).....but I am one of those "Filers"...(looks through tonnes of recipes, prints & files many, cooks rarely)...grew up in Dubai, and I am a 30 year old Chartered Accountant (ok, 31..fine!!!) married a CA and have a 2 year old daughter......I work with my dad....(our family has a business here) and I stay in the same apartment building as my parents (to make things more convenient for me, I found an apartment on the same floor! parents are not getting ! rid of me any time soon..;-)) cooking sessions for me have been very very limited as I have my favoritest cook in the whole wide world (mommy) just a few doors away......the few times that I have cooked, things have either turned out excellent or I have thrown them into the bin without a second thought about all the effort/ingredients being wasted.......soooo....finally getting to the point:-).....I tried your Lemon Yoghurt cake yesterday..:-).....(I took leave from work to do this...lets not tell my dad about this..;-))..when I told my husband that I was going to make Lemon yoghurt cake, what he said was "why can't you make something that everyone can eat???".....(he prefers mango and other "normal" flavoured cakes..)..I ignored him..and toiled on...brought back to my apartment all of mommy's baking equipment and first try at first try with a hand mixer/beater........and I'm 30....(ok..31...)....and it turned out to be! a super super success!!!!!!:-):-):-)....I followed your recip! e exactl y as it was, just that I added a few drops of vanilla essence (need not have done that, I know, but then just wasn't sure how many would like a purely lemony & yoghurty cake)...even my husband, who loves loves loves food just as much as I do or even more, gobbled up 2 slices as soon as he came home! (then I knew that I'd hit the nail on the head..:'-)...almost brought tears to my eyes..)..and my dad...who is crtical about almost everything, is a health freak and yoga expert and never goes anywhere near sweets,first ate half a slice and said I'd passed and then after dinner, when everyone else was looking the other way, he ate the balance of his left-over slice!!!:'-)), in short, you have amazing recipes, Ria....and I think I will keep experimenting now every week with them....I have already taken prints of 10 or 11 of them.....keep posting......God Bless and be happy!

    -Veena Madhavan

  19. Wow! Reading that comment above was wonderful! That cake looks perfectly fluffy and moist!Great accident to have :) Another recipe bookmarked.

  20. Another awesome review, from my Facebook page :

    hellooooooo everyone out there...!!!!!!! u must try Ria's Lemon n Yoghurt cake at any cost!!!!!... its Heavenlyyy!!!!!! rlly OUT of the World i must say!!!!!... wen i saw this update of Ria's collection yday on my profile... i jus checkd it... n noted it dwn.. cudn resist myslf frm makin it!!!!!!.... even aftr a very long day today... i found my time to bake it!!!... n i was never wrng at my judgemnt!!!!... oh GOD!!!!... Ria, ur GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... GOd bless this wonder GIRL!!!

    - Laya Harosh

  21. MYMY Ria... accidents like this should always happen!! Your Cooking Hat is just magical!!! Thanks for sharing,always have seen you respond to all the queries asked in any form from mail to call!! Rock Gurl Rock

  22. That is AWESOME Ria!! I am so impressed that you came up with such a wonderful recipe on your own and that you are so sweet to share it! It really does look amazing. Your photography is so beautiful too! You are pretty much a rock star baker/blogger/photographer! :)

  23. Itried ur lemon cake today..came out well..i am a new blogger having no experience in baking,my cake out fluffy and yummy previous 2 attempts were very bad n the cake burnt also.I am very thankful to you..i am ur fan for the past 3 years.but didn't tried your baking dishes.I didn't get any help from anywhere to bake a good cake.suddenly i remember ur blog and decided to try it your lemon yoghurt cake.after baking it,i was excited n send my hubby the pics of this cake.he called me back and asked me How can you make a cake with yoghurt?I told it was very tasty.I am happy to say about this to my friends.i added ur blog to my blog list long back.
    please visit my blog when time permits...Thanks a ton..

  24. Hey Ria,
    I made this once and it turned out to be so good:).Thanks for a great recipe!!! Planning to make it again but want to go eggless this time. Need your suggestions what should I use as a substitue. Thanks, Shikha

  25. Hi Ria,

    This is an incredible cake!! I had made it once at home which was a great success and followed up with it for a bake sale event. Needless to say, this flavor was sold out!! Thank you so much. :)

  26. Hi Ria,

    I tried out this cake today. It was a big hit.Thanks. Keep up the good job.

  27. Hello Ria,

    i have tried some of your recipes and all of them except the jilebis turned out so good. Jilebi i had to refer back to show me the curry because my batter got very thick with the measures u mentioned.
    But this one is the best from what i tried. It was just out of the world. What a texture and perfect harmony of flavors. You are just amazing to create this of your own.
    I had baked this to give some one. but after having one pc we couldnt resist eating it. I have already baked it 5 times.
    I have just recently started blogging. I have posted this recipe there and have linked this page there.

  28. This is the best cake recipe I have tried. No one can go wrong with this. I hope you make more successful accidents like this one.

  29. Tried this out today....and it was yuuuuuuuuuummmmm....soooo enjoyed it cake was more to brown shade as I used brown sugar..white sugar is a No No at any case the taste was spot on ..thanks alot..will be trying other recipes of yours as well..


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Ria Mathew