Ria's Collection: THE BEST CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE (with video!)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


The Best Chocolate Mug Cake
Thank you all so much for the encouragement and support with regards to my YouTube Channel that we started a week ago. Like I said, we both are learning on how to do this whole thing! It might seem easy to some of you but trust me, it isn't. Especially when you have small kids who have no idea what it is to keep quiet for more than one second! :-) The Lazy Daisy Cake video was shot around 11 pm after the kids were put to bed and after the house was set back to normal. I even managed to sneak in a nap before that because we knew the shoot could go long if it got interrupted. Nevermind. It was worth the trouble in the end! :-)
The Best Chocolate Mug Cake
I have lost count of the number of times I've made this cake for us in the last couple of months. We enjoy it the same way we did,the very first time I made it. There's a WOW factor attached to it because 1) It gets done in 90 seconds 2) It's perfect as a single serving 3)You can never predict when that 'I need a chocolate cake right now' feeling kicks in 4) It is absolutely tasty!
The Best Chocolate Mug Cake
Jobin was seriously in awe when I asked him if he wanted some chocolate cake and gave him a warm cup filled with deliciousness like in no time at all! I mean, 90 seconds literally is no time! I get frequent requests for it now that baking a real deal chocolate cake has kind of taken a back seat. Mug cakes were a rage a few years ago and when I tried out a recipe back then, I was utterly disappointed. I promised to myself that I will never ever make another one because I was literally disgusted by how dry it was.
The Best Chocolate Mug Cake
Everything changed when I saw Ree's recipe for it. I love all the recipes that I've tried so far from her blog and this one is no different. So don't wait a minute longer, go and make it! I am sure you will enjoy this perfectly moist,tender chocolate cake!

The Best Chocolate Mug Cake Makes 1 mug (12 oz) cake

3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional but I highly recommend it!)
Splash of vanilla

Method: In a 12 oz mug,add the dry ingredients and mix well with fork. Add in the wet ingredients and chocolate chips and mix well to combine.Cook it in a microwave oven for 90 seconds and enjoy!
It will be extremely hot inside the cake as soon as you take it out,so just be careful about that.
If you happen to try this cake at home, don't forget to tell me about it! I want to know if you enjoyed it as much we did. When I made it for my cousins in Boston,they went ga-ga over it! It is really good!
I hope you all had a fun Halloween. We sure did. Ian was a Pirate and Zara was a Bumble Bee!


tanyas kitchen said...

So nice to watch your videos . Will you share your recipe of vanilla in the lovely bottle . Keep the videos coming . Love the mug too u made the cake . I will be making the mug cake Friday night . Thanks again

Unknown said...

Hey Ria, can we add more cocoa powder as a substitute for chocolate chips. If so, how much? Can it make the cake more chocolatey? Thanks in advance dear.

Unknown said...

A cup of tea takes longer to make. Yummy and so very chocolatey.

Ria Mathew said...

Thank you! That's a bottle of homemade vanilla I made a few weeks ago.

Ria Mathew said...

You can omit the chocolate chips if you don't have them. It's really chocolate-y as is. 2 tbsp for 3 tbsp of flour is plenty! Just make sure you use a good brand of cocoa powder. Hope you like it!

Ria Mathew said...

Aww! Thanks!!

Unknown said...

Thanks dear. It was 'yummilicious'! And I use Hershey' s cocoa.

Ria Mathew said...

Awesome!! Hershey's is good. Some people use loose cocoa that they get to buy in random stores. It kills the recipe. 😊

EJ said...

Made this for my kids today and they loved it. My daughter was insisting for a brownie and I made this :) I missed the ice cream that should have been there.

Eat & Burpp said...

Hey Ria,

Njoying watching your videos. Can I cook this is normal OTG? Do not have a microwave....

Ria Mathew said...

Thanks for trying!

Ria Mathew said...

I haven't tried it but a viewer did and she said it worked for her. I hope that helps!Let me know if you do!

cathy said...

hi riya, how many watts is your microwave oven? i hav got a 1200 watts microwave and 90 sec made the cake a bit dry.

Ria Mathew said...

Hi Cathy, mine is 1000 W

Chinnu said...

Hi Ria
We made (me and my son) ur mug cake and it was super easy, super fun and super yummy.. thanks for the recipe.. I was looking to find a mug cake without egg as I somehow can’t figeat the idea of egg getting cooked in a minute lol.. dis was perfect for me.. Thank you so much.. I’m going to try more recipes from ur blog

Nimmy Joe said...

Hi Ria.. Tried ur mug cake but it tasted undercooked.. But by 90 seconds the cake had puffed up from the mug and fell down. I followed the ingredients as it is. Iam still figuring out want went wrong. Iam new to baking though. Just started with few recipes.

Ria Mathew said...

Thanks Chinnu!!

Ria Mathew said...

Hi Nimmy, sounds like your cup was small. If it had to overflow, there was too much batter in the cup. Use a coffee mug, the bigger sized one. It will not overflow, it will rise to the brim like how mine did. Or you can use two cups like you used now. If that’s what you are going to do, keep a check on the timing. You may not need the full 90 seconds. I think somewhere around 1 minute 10 seconds should be fine.

Arya Anilkumar said...

The best mug cake I ve ever made and had ..I ve actually tried few mug cake recipes and was very happy to see your eggless recipe. I swapped oil with melted butter .Thankyou so much ☺️☺️

Unknown said...

I was waiting to start baking and finally got a conventional oven., just saw this and got to know that this could have been made with a microwave.. 🙄 And now i dont have one🙁

Unknown said...

It is simply the best chocolate mug cake!! How can I one outdo this recipe I don't know ��Thank you Ria!!!

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