Thank you so much! I know I have many many faceless readers because the comments I get is very very little compared to the page hits everyday. I would love to get to know each one of you so do write to me and show some love!
The comments are in no particular order.
Anupama says,'I visit ur blog twice a week...i lik ur blog,itz very uniq...i trid ur dishes(espically cakes,my kid lik cake very much)...lamingtons is my favrt...
Sumi says,'hey Ria ! I've been a silent visitor here. I ve tried so many dishes from ur blog.
congrats on 6 lakhs hit dear.u deserve it ! i feel fortunate and blessed for hitting this blog nnnnn number of times.eveny I was about to try ur chocolate biscuit pudding. by the way when I checked ur blog yesterday, I really had a shock after seeing these pictures.this is truly yummy .but I was not able to post comments It was repeatedly showing some error.u know I just saved this pic as my screen saver. because this is the bestest recipe for biscuit pudding ewhich I ve seen..last week I tried ur silky custard pudding. it was yummilicious.but after seeing this post I simply could not control my temptationam going to shop for all the ingredients and would make it for sure.
I ve some guest at home today.I would let u know about how it comes.thanks a lot dear .u r an amazing photographer.jobin is real lucky to have u a s his wonderful partner.
love u dear '.
Anne says,' I have recently started looking at blogs and was very impressed and proud to see your blog. It went straight into " my favorites". I am from kerala too, now living in Toronto. I have a daughter your age who is also interested in cooking and baking but she needs to be in the "mood". Usually I look at some recipes and move on but I just had to send you a note to say hello and keep on blogging.
All the very best to you'.
All the very best to you'.
Rinu Anie John says,'Hi,Ria,i'm so happy that u added me as ur frnd,i used 2 check ur blog.u r truly
blessed,God has given u as a gift to d world i feel'.
Ramya Jemy says,'Hey Ria,
Luv ur blog and its almost like a kitchen bible to me.Good work girl!'
Shamitha Ram says,'Ur blog's recipe index is my homepage'.
Seema Kamath, fellow foodblogger and friend says,'I am an ardent follower of the blog Ria's Collection. I have the urge to try out every recipe in this blog. I enjoy reading Ria's posts and simply admire this girl's cheerfulness. Her enthusiasm is certainly contagious and I'm infected by her big time!!! To what extent, you may ask? I recently had a dream. I visited her home in Kannur. Ria introduced me to her parents and I saw a lady mopping the floor. I jumped with a question "Ria, is she Jaanu Chechy?"... I don't remember the answer from Ria. All I was thinking was about this 'Kannur Meen Curry' that Ria had blogged about some time back, which she said Jannu Chechy specializes at. And then I saw Ria's bro. He was studying for his exams. There were so many other girls. Perhaps they were invited for a meal along with me. Ria was blabbering about food all the time during the course of my dream. (I certainly enjoyed all the talk about food) I was looking for an oppurtunity to ask Ria if Jaanu Chechy had brewed her signature Kannur Meen Curry or not?... I am unable to recollect remainder of the dream.
Monica Bhide, cookbook author & blogger says,'I really love your website. Nicely done.'
Merlin John Philip says, 'I was wid my parents in kerala n i begged dem dat i dnt wana study further knw i jst wana b at home n cook :) and i told dem about u...n showed dem ur blog...den i prepared beef ularthiyathu, biriyani, pepper chicken, etc etc from ur got so impressed dat he told now i wont buy any cookery books for u...this blog is too good u better learn from this... mom ask about new recipes frm u.....'
Beena Assumpta (my college mate) says, 'Hey Ria, this Beena, I hope u remember me (ur classmate from mounts).
Reena Mathias says, 'Hi Ria, u dont know me..i reside in Muscat..and ive been a fan of your cookery blog for sometime now! And i must congratulate you to let you know what a fantastic site it is! I tried your mahogany chocolate cake and my kiddos absolutely loved it!! Im looking forward to baking a new cake from your blog every weekend :-)
All the very best to u ...look forward to your all your new recipes...'
Anitha Karimpanathara says, 'Ur site is just amazing! I luv it - especially the mouth-watering pics.
My kids love home-made cakes & i usually make only the normal sponge cake. But now thanks to you....I can actually try out some cool ones!!!
I had tried your Molten Lava Cakes n I must say that me n my kids enjoyed it...I ABSOLUTELY loved it (i think i devoured almost half myself!!)
I tried ur marble cake y'day.....n thank u soooo hubby's not so into cakes or desserts, but he loved this one & he ACTUALLY gave me "thumps up" :)WOW!!! When I told my daughters that I would try baking a marble cake, my little one started howling - "Amma, I don't want any marbles in the cake!!!!!" had tears in my eyes!!!! '
Bonnie Thomas says, 'ria sister wants to me to tell u that she is one of ur biggest fans and she has made ur choco late cake, shawarma and 8 more items...which i forgot( for which she is gonna kill me) she loves u , shabs and mishmash.....worse was!!! calling all the way from nigeria she tells me ...edi nee arinjo ria is pregnant!!! i cleared her doubt as welll ... hehehehe'
Rosemary Joseph says, 'Ria one faceless reader is my son!! He must be the youngest reader..(i hve ur blog on my fav bar and he keeps clicking on it).'
Debirpriya Bhowmick says,
'Hey Ria,
Preetha says, 'Hello Ria,
As you take the big step, may God be there with you all thruout the journey to guide you and nurture you, to give you the wisdom in every walk of life....and be there beside you in every moment you desire His presence!!! God bless you dear, and have a beautiful, blessed married life...May you have great times together (thts exctly wht the Father wished us on our marriage...not happy times or bad times, but GREAT times TOGETHER)
A silent "EVERYDAY" visitor to your blog....:-))
Preetha '
Once again thank u dear......
Have a great married life, wish you all happiness!! Do keep blogging and keep sharing those super recipes!! '
btw: love all your kerala dishes...haven't had a chance to view the others yet...i am inspired to make potato mezhukuporatti today =) thanks! '

blessed,God has given u as a gift to d world i feel'.
Ramya Jemy says,'Hey Ria,
Luv ur blog and its almost like a kitchen bible to me.Good work girl!'
Shamitha Ram says,'Ur blog's recipe index is my homepage'.
Seema Kamath, fellow foodblogger and friend says,'I am an ardent follower of the blog Ria's Collection. I have the urge to try out every recipe in this blog. I enjoy reading Ria's posts and simply admire this girl's cheerfulness. Her enthusiasm is certainly contagious and I'm infected by her big time!!! To what extent, you may ask? I recently had a dream. I visited her home in Kannur. Ria introduced me to her parents and I saw a lady mopping the floor. I jumped with a question "Ria, is she Jaanu Chechy?"... I don't remember the answer from Ria. All I was thinking was about this 'Kannur Meen Curry' that Ria had blogged about some time back, which she said Jannu Chechy specializes at. And then I saw Ria's bro. He was studying for his exams. There were so many other girls. Perhaps they were invited for a meal along with me. Ria was blabbering about food all the time during the course of my dream. (I certainly enjoyed all the talk about food) I was looking for an oppurtunity to ask Ria if Jaanu Chechy had brewed her signature Kannur Meen Curry or not?... I am unable to recollect remainder of the dream.
I just shared this dream with Ria and she left a note that I made her day today! I'm taken aback by the way she draws joy from such trifle things in life. She's always happy to help whenever I bug her with so many queries about food... Lottsa hugs to you girl! I'm so glad I got to know you...'
Merlin John Philip says, 'I was wid my parents in kerala n i begged dem dat i dnt wana study further knw i jst wana b at home n cook :) and i told dem about u...n showed dem ur blog...den i prepared beef ularthiyathu, biriyani, pepper chicken, etc etc from ur got so impressed dat he told now i wont buy any cookery books for u...this blog is too good u better learn from this... mom ask about new recipes frm u.....'
Beena Assumpta (my college mate) says, 'Hey Ria, this Beena, I hope u remember me (ur classmate from mounts).
During college days I used to admire u a lot, specially the way you would put on that kajal….!!!! And those dozen of black bangles you’d wear…u look so beautiful.....but back then I never knew your such a bundle of talent…!!!!
Ever since I came across your blog, I guess I have become the biggest addict of it. I follow it every single day. For some strange reason though I could not bring myself to tell you what joy it brings whenever im here…J Your writing is just so magical and your photography is mesmerizing…. Your doing an awesome job…god bless..!! '
All the very best to u ...look forward to your all your new recipes...'
Anitha Karimpanathara says, 'Ur site is just amazing! I luv it - especially the mouth-watering pics.
My kids love home-made cakes & i usually make only the normal sponge cake. But now thanks to you....I can actually try out some cool ones!!!
I had tried your Molten Lava Cakes n I must say that me n my kids enjoyed it...I ABSOLUTELY loved it (i think i devoured almost half myself!!)
I tried ur marble cake y'day.....n thank u soooo hubby's not so into cakes or desserts, but he loved this one & he ACTUALLY gave me "thumps up" :)WOW!!! When I told my daughters that I would try baking a marble cake, my little one started howling - "Amma, I don't want any marbles in the cake!!!!!" had tears in my eyes!!!! '
Bonnie Thomas says, 'ria sister wants to me to tell u that she is one of ur biggest fans and she has made ur choco late cake, shawarma and 8 more items...which i forgot( for which she is gonna kill me) she loves u , shabs and mishmash.....worse was!!! calling all the way from nigeria she tells me ...edi nee arinjo ria is pregnant!!! i cleared her doubt as welll ... hehehehe'
Rosemary Joseph says, 'Ria one faceless reader is my son!! He must be the youngest reader..(i hve ur blog on my fav bar and he keeps clicking on it).'
Debirpriya Bhowmick says,
'Hey Ria,
I am as unknown to you as mascarpone cheese was to me a week back. J
Well I tumbled into your blog and got so addicted in a week’s time, that I need to get to work during weekends to finish my pending work. I love cooking and I found it extremely difficult to get my mind set on cooking as most of the time the things I wanted to cook was Italian/western/Chinese/ and to find the original ingredient in India was a big deal. (I need to tell, if you reply to this email I will be making you my mentor and keep knocking at your door for substitutes).'
Preetha says, 'Hello Ria,
As you take the big step, may God be there with you all thruout the journey to guide you and nurture you, to give you the wisdom in every walk of life....and be there beside you in every moment you desire His presence!!! God bless you dear, and have a beautiful, blessed married life...May you have great times together (thts exctly wht the Father wished us on our marriage...not happy times or bad times, but GREAT times TOGETHER)
A silent "EVERYDAY" visitor to your blog....:-))
Preetha '
Asha Joseph says, 'Hey Ria i am a fan of ur pics.. i just love ur photos...:)'
Divya Kudua says, 'Ria,I blindly trust yours and your amma's recipes'.
Shn says,' it was just yesterday, i subscribed to ur beautiful delicious blog :) ' .
Gopikalakshmi. A says,'I am an avid reader of your blog'.
Savitha Avish says, ' I always knew my sis, Soumya had a Kaipunyam in her unlike me but recently she made some real delicious stuff, and after tasting 2 or 3 of her delicacies, I was like "Soumya, its high time you tell me the source of these recipies" and she send me your link. One look at your home page and I was very impressed with the name, the colour and layout and when I went through your recipe index, I was so happy. Now I am all eager to try out your recipies one by one.This mail was especially to thank you for the recipes of homemade Mascarpone cheese (haven’t tried it, but I am taking your experience for granted that it would be the best substitute) and to let you know that I would be using your recipes to begin my ‘Sunday cooking expedition’ '.
Usha Mathew says,
'Hello Ria
post more and more recipes.....GOD BLESS.....:))
Usha Mathew says,
'Hello Ria
I am a recent visito to your blogs and I am on your mailing list.
I absolutely enjoy reading your blogs and find your recipes fascinating and the photo features, stunning.'
Deepti Pillay says,
'Hey Ria,
One of my closest friends recommended your blog to me, knowing how much I love eating and cooking, in that order.She is not a blogger. Her name is Vijayata Pareek. She loves cooking and knew I would enjoy the blog as much she does. She send me your page through FaceBook.
Keep it up. Waiting for more incredible posts from you.
Loads of love,
Shamnas Suneed says,'thanku ria...............for ur pepper chicken was sooooooooo easy and tasty too.............
my hubby and daughter luved it soooooooo was finger licking more and more recipes.....GOD BLESS.....:))
Shamnas Suneeed says, 'Cant help without thanking U for ur sweet and yummy recipes.......
I not only follows Ur recipe but also ur style of presentation......i like it sooooooo much.....Once again thank u dear......
Anita Prathiba says, 'I
happened to land in ur blog few months ago during wedding preparation phase.
Luv ur recipes n especially ur pics.
i hav never ever dreamt abt baking.but wanted to give it a try after seeing ur blog'.
Shubhi Chetal says, 'Let me begin by saying that I have gone through each and every recipe mentioned in your blog and it only gives me more and more pleasure in trying all your recipes .'
Shamnas Suneed says,' haiiiiiiii....RIA.......thank u for posting ur blog....but me and my friends have been deeply searching through all ur recipes and experimented almost half of it.....all are sooooo delicious ......and as they are well described we dont ve a single doubts about them.......thank you dear soooooooooo much and keep on BAKING....!!!!!!! '
Divya Paulose says, 'Hi! this is the first time I'm emailing you.Actually, I have posted a comment previously on your blog, after I had tried your chocolate pudding recipe, which btw is a huge favorite at my place.
Just wanted to say Congratulations!!! on your marriage. Wishing both of you a very happy and blessed married life. May God bless you and keep you both happy always! 'Merlin John Philips says, 'congrats for ur one month wedding anniversary.....u look so pretty in pics....this is d first time in my life i hav known a person who is beyond expectations....a person really hard to find in this corrupt world.....i salute u for dis :) u r really my mentor.... i loved ur cooking coz i hav d same craze :) jst pray for me to have some super natural power like u......i hope u might b thinking y i sent u mails bt to be frank i havn't met a person like u after a very long grandma was very caring n loving....i hav never met a lady like wenevr i see ur qualities i really miss her...
Maya Mariam Matthews says, '
I am Maya from Navi Mumbai, India. I happened to read about your blog from Nora's Kitchen. I just went through your recipes. I should say that your blog is just awesome! Every recipe is well explained to the finest detail. Great work and great effort!!! Your love for cooking can be felt in those descriptions'.
Ameeta Premkumar says, 'I'm writing in from Fiji. Thank you for all the yummy recipes you put up on the net.I tried you chocolate bisucit pudding. It's excellent.'
Suma Rowjee says, 'Hi Ria,
Got to know you from Divya's blog, Easycooking. Am so happy to come across your fantastic blog. You guys truly inspire beginners like me!!! Am new to the blogging world and its great to discover this treasure of recipes, people willing to share, advise & help. Have a great married life, wish you all happiness!! Do keep blogging and keep sharing those super recipes!! '
Reny Mathew says, 'Hi Ria...Hope u r doing well and enjoyin the season..Love ur blog !!! and Benjy said to say he loves all ur pics..!!!
Madhuli Ajay says, 'Have been following ur blog for some time and love most of ur recipe! but the fruit cake is awesome..just in time when i was searching for some really moist fruitcake. '
Sheena Mathai says ,'Hello,
I came across your food blog today, and absolutely fell in love with your photography...are you a professional photographer? I was also wondering if I could be so nosy to ask what kind of camera you use?thanks!
btw: love all your kerala dishes...haven't had a chance to view the others yet...i am inspired to make potato mezhukuporatti today =) thanks! '
Reema Jose says, 'I have been following your blog- you are doing great work there and thank you so much for the lovely recipes.'
Shabeena Sajid says, 'Just saw the videos on you tube....You have done an EXCELLENT job dear!!!There was no problem as u thought at was presented like a perfect experienced cook...Infact better than many of them...IT was done in a very nice way....I liked ur way than Mr.Pratheesh's way....thought he talked a bit too much....Have u been on tv before?....If i were in ur position i wud have been like' ba ba ba' pichum peyum parayum...I saw ur link in marias blog and so came here....'
Deepa Gumpeni says,' I'm a regular reader of food blogs.'
Nilambara says, 'chanced upon your blog today and saw the beautiful collection u have. brilliant creations and the pics had me!'
Deepa Jose (my cousin )says, 'Hey Ria girl..I got the tart tins and finally baked the jam tarts..........Robin said they were just like ammachi's ...your blog is getting just great..i just love the fact that you put up home recipies..."
Priya Jacob (my hostel mate) says, 'I have been following your blog for quite some months & the recipes are wonderful....Especially the desserts,which actually makes me want to try some of those....
Twinsy Rachel Abraham says, 'It was by accident that I ventured into ur blog n boy oh boy!! it opened a world of good writing n absolutely delectable recipes... Ria, I am sure u wud understand that I am not "chumma" praising if I say u r an amazing cook (well, lucky Jobin :-)) well dear, am glad that the your handiwork is really blessed n rewarding..'
Gul Siddiqi says, 'Came across your blog online..beautiful site i must say, very creative!'
Sindhu Venugopal says, 'I happened to see your blog and it seems to be very interesting. One thing that kept me hooked was ur interest towards food, even I am a foodie!!
Keep blogging, best wishes!!'
Sheelu John (my aunt) says, 'Tried your Chocolate biscuit pudding…it was amazing!!!
Made American brownies again…yummy…'
Reny Mathew says, 'ur pictures are just too good..'
Liny Nivin says, 'I think u r doing a wonderfull job! juz got to know abt ur blog thru marias! I think I am in to stay!
Count me in!'Ann Mathew says ,'happy married life dear...n may god bless u both abundantly:-)'
Ann Malar Soosay says ,'I'm Anne from Malaysia and am an avid follower of your blog.I love your blog, the way you write and ther recipes you share'.
Rosemary Joseph says, 'U dont knw me. But u r the lil lady who woke up the sleepin cook in me...thanks sooo much. ive been tryin to visit ur site since today evening nd i get thrown out. donno why????? im seriously not likin it though :-(. U hve a wonderful blog nd ur recipes make me wanna run into the kitchen right then and try makin them..'
Nahida Fajish says,'i am a frequent reader of ur blog......i am from ur same place kannur...'
Rosemary Joseph says, 'U dont knw me. But u r the lil lady who woke up the sleepin cook in me...thanks sooo much. ive been tryin to visit ur site since today evening nd i get thrown out. donno why????? im seriously not likin it though :-(. U hve a wonderful blog nd ur recipes make me wanna run into the kitchen right then and try makin them..'
Nahida Fajish says,'i am a frequent reader of ur blog......i am from ur same place kannur...'
Maya Mariam Matthews says, '
Ria, I saw your wedding pictures on Facebook last night. Those golden flowers that you stitched on your veil and saree are so beautiful and also the wedding cake!! You are blessed with such great talent!! You will be a great Mother too! I do admire women who can cook, stitch and dec up their home so well. The best thing about your blog is that you've presented your recipes excellently well...very professional and at par with international sites or even better I should say. The pictures of the dishes (the Orange squarecakes) posted are excellent!'
Daminda Silva says, '
Congrats on your marriage. I'm sure u must be having a blast!
I've been following Maria's menu and saw your blog via her links. I am married to a girl from Kerala though I'm not from India. I've been to Kerala a few time and just love the Kerala cuisine. Thanks to your's and Maria's blog I got the chance to make some of my fav Mallu dishes.
But this email not about the fab recipes you post on your blog, it's about the the Photos of the food. Can you pls let me know the equipment you use? Thanks '
Thats a very nice compilation ria!U have saved them all!!!It's really sweet of you!!!I know some comments just manassil thangum alley?...But I know one day I am going to be hung by Mr.pratheesh!...LOL...
WOW!!!!! This is Fabulous.... You touch so many lives :)
All the best :)
The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts
i had been thinking of doing something similar for ages! great collection :)
Hey Ria
I am a more than decent cook. I do have the courage to whip up simple to hard dishes and does not get scared by the number of people either.
But Im scared of baking and making desserts. It never comes right for me. But your blog, with its detailed instructions helps me a ton. Maybe, some day I will be atleast quarter good as you are.
And most importantly, I love your creativity and the variety you have in recipes.And not to mention the yummylicious photographs....You are my Nigella Lawson of cakes and desserts!!
(I think I have entioned this earlier. I too was in Mounts...)
Hi Ria. I had seen this recipe which was a kerala styled chicken lasagne. I am unable to find it today. Does it appear in a different name?
Waiting eagerly
Jina- Thank you SO much!!! :)
Preethi - It's still there :) It's called Chatti Pathiri and here's the link to it :
Hi ria!
Your blog is very amazing.Happy to follow you :) I loved all the recipes done by you..U r lucky to have ur hubby to help you baked cake for your birthday :):) So cute :) Nice to hear tat u are malalyalee from kerala.Me too :)Once u r free please visit my blog.Its just 3 months old :)
Hello Ria,
I find your recipe collection good.
Your selection of the recipes is very close to my tastes. So I am a regular visitor at your site. I have tried out a few of them & found it good.
Hope you continue with your good work and wish you the very best!
Hello Ria,
I'm a huge fan of ur cooking n photography.
Could u please suggest me where to buy food colours like red,violet,blue,orange,green, black,etc in KANNUR? i want to prepare a confetti sprinkled chocolate ganache spread rainbow cake for my sons birthday on 20th of this month septemberr.
Veerza, I am not sure where you can find such colors in Kannur. I've never seen them around. Sorry!
Hello Ria,
Thanks for taking time to reply. :-)
Ria, you have a wonderful blog! I'm so happy I found you. I love reading the notes from all over the world. I'm an old granny from Seattle, I wondered if you went to Catholic school, too? I went in the 50's and 60's, I just wondered because someone asked if you went to Saint Teresa's. I love your recipes, can't wait to make some! You sound like a sweet person! You have a beautiful family. Blessings!
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