Ria's Collection: MIXED FRUIT SWISS ROLL...for 3 years of Blogging!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

MIXED FRUIT SWISS ROLL...for 3 years of Blogging!

Mixed Fruit Swiss Roll

Please don't go away reading the title,pretty please!I promise you ,there will not be any speeches given on this special day. Even then, I do have to say that I'm very happy about it and I owe a big thanks to you , dear readers! I haven't been participating in any group baking that I used to for the last 2 months,  I promise you, I shall return to it very soon! :-)
Mixed Fruit Swiss Roll

Jam rolls/ Swiss rolls has been something which my aunts used to bake. We never rolled anything  sweet at home except for these yummilicious Coffee Cream Wheel .This was the time when I never quite liked anything with jam in it, so I stayed away from any such rolls. Later, when my taste buds developed I had a liking towards all these jammy treats especially My Favourite Jam Tarts  , Jam Filled Cookies and also Bakewell Tart .
Mixed Fruit Jam Roll

When I think of it , all the veggies that I disliked when young is my favourite, now! Bittergourd was something I disliked terribly and I love it with all my heart,now! Have you observed such stuff about yourselves? I bet there are plenty for you to tell me! :-)

3 eggs
1/2 c sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c -1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp cornflour
5 tbsp mixed fruit jam, stirred well

Pre-heat the oven to 180C and line a 9x13 inch/ swiss roll tin.

In a large bowl, beat together the eggs & sugar for 12 mins, non stop.Add the vanilla and beat for another 1 minute.Add the dry ingredients and fold it in.Pour into a prepared tin and bake for 10-15 mins or until the top is golden and is springy to touch.Pull it out of the oven and unmould it onto a tea towel sprinkled with sugar.Roll it away from you, along with the towel. Hold it there for 10-15 second.Open the roll and let it cool completely.Spread the jam and roll once again.
Slice and serve!

Verdict: I have lost the number of times I have used this basic sponge recipe given to me by Amma. It's so versatile.You can roll it, layer it,mould it or better still, eat it plain! This roll was very very soft and we really liked it!


Suhaina said...

Congrads on ur achievement dear. Jam rolls looks delicious...

KrithisKitchen said...

Happy Blog Birthday!.. Love the sponge cake/swiss roll recipe!!
Krithi's Kitchen
Event: Serve It - Festival Potluck

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said...

Happy Blog Anniversary.Wonderful Mixed Fruit Jam Swiss rrolls dear.Luks Spongy and delicious .Luv it.

Fajeeda said...

Congrats on ur blog anniversary......rolls look so yumm yumm.........

Sarah said...

I have to agree that your mom's basic sponge recipe is superb! After trying out your gateau I realised that it... This swiss roll sure is tempting me..

Saji said...

Congrats on another milestone and wishing many more!

Aarthi said...

this looks so yummy...congrats dear

Unknown said...

Nice swirls you have got..looks super yum

La @ FoodSlice said...

Ria, first congratulations on your three year anniversary. I love that this sponge is fat free, not even oil, so i am going to try it out very soon.
There are a few veggies that i never touched as a kid, eggplant/brinjal being one of them. Ever since i started cooking for myself i found out how easy it is to cook it and especially since marriage my husband loves it. So now i eat it all the time :)
Love your little anecdotes along with the recipes, so i wouldn't mind a long anniversary speech too!

Manju said...

looks soo spongy and yum....congrats ria :)

Aruna Manikandan said...

Congratulations and wishing u many more!!!!!
rolls look yummy :)

Neetz said...

congrats!!!!.. with that recipe it surel is one one greatw ay to cleberate ur blog!! love it!!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Congratulations and to many more! That roll looks delicious.



Divya Kudua said...

Happy blog birthday Ria.What a simple recipe for the swiss roll,sadly I do not have a swiss roll tin(which would fit into my oven),so can't try this.I'll try making it into a plain sponge for filling.Lovely slices too!!

Rinku Naveen said...

Congratulations Ria on your blog anniversary! That's a big milestone. You have achieved so much in so little time. Proud of you!!!

That's a perfect looking swiss roll. Yummy..Loved the jam tarts too.

Thanks a ton for sending the best ever Tiramisu. Its on my to do wish list for sure. Hugs and kisses...

Vidhya Viju Govind said...

great going !!!....congratulations !!

Priya Suresh said...

Happy birthday to ur blog baby, swiss roll looks super inviting and elegant..

Unknown said...

Congrats on completing 3 years of blogging dear !!! Keep rocking. The fruit roll sounds like the best thing to celebrate this occasion.

divya said...

looks soo spongy and yum....congrats ria :)

Unknown said...

congrats Ria....hope u r enjoying ur days in India!....keep going...always love ur updates!

Priya Chilamkurthi said...

Congrats and keep going!
The rolls look mouth watering. I wish there is a mail me button!

Amritha said...

Conrats and good going Ria! here's to many more successful years to come!

Anzz said...

Happy Blog Birthday Ria, very happy for u. And the Swiss roll looks lovely. Fantastic. :)

lubnakarim06 said...

Congrats on hitting milestone....wish u r space many more yum years to come....roll looks soft...moist and yum....

Justbeanme said...

Keep u the good work and continue till the rainbow meets the earth!
I fall in love with cooking just because i could connect with blogger like u!

Vineetha Sush said...

Congrats on ur blogs anniversary..I discovered ur blog only this afternoon through the honeycomb post from Rinkus blog but since afternoon, whenevr I get free time I am coming and checking out ur blog reading all ur posts and looking the pics...Hooked on to your space now.Watched ur surya Tv appearance too ....its wonderful..Hats off to u !!

Zareena said...

Congrats dear, on your achievement.

The Fab Miss B said...

Congratulations on your Blogversary! Wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed your class at the Kitchen Window- I blogged about it over here:




Amina Creations said...

First time here.. liked your posts very much.. congratulations on your blog anniversary.. rolls look amazing.. do visit my blog some time..

Anonymous said...

Congrats!Ria!for the third year Anniversary :)Interesting recipe without fat..and wishes for many many more anticipated Anniversaries..!!

ശംഖു പുഷ്പം said...


I am kinda new to your space... was soo glad to see some of those easy dessert ideas.. The moment I saw jam roll recipe, I wanted to try it.. But I was bit confused about "1/2 c -1 tbsp flour" part in the ingredint section. What does that means?

Ria Mathew said...

Sanku Pushpam, Welcome to this lil space of mine :)

It means 1/2 cup minus 1 tbsp of flour.So take 1/2 cup of flour and then take out 1 tbsp from it. Then replace that 1 tbsp with 1 tbsp cornflour.

Cornflour makes the sponge lighter :)


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