This the first event I'm hosting and it's all about 'Celebration'.
About the event:
I chose this as the theme since I am a Gemini and will be celebrating my birthday soon! :D So let's all celebrate together!!
There are no hard and fast rules, you just need to follow the theme and get your creative juices flowing :)
On 21 June ,another blogger who is celebrating their birthday in June will be selected randomly from the entries and he/she can continue hosting this event as a part of their birthday celebration [only if they wish to host though...no compulsion] .So make sure you send me your zodiac sign along with your lovely entries.
Cakes: Since "celebration" is the theme, let it be a decorated cake...but then again plain cakes are whole heartedly welcome!! Let it be colourful & vibrant just like Gemini's are :D And oh yeah! I love Tiered cakes !! :)
Cookies:You can make cut out cookies, pressed cookies, dropped cookies,pizza cookies... anything at all!! Let it be colourful!! Make sure you dress them up for the occassion :)
Cocktails: Ahh.. Do I need to explainmore?? But if you prefer mocktails to cocktails ...you can definately send them in too!! Make it colourful and let it bust the heat around us!! :)
- You can choose your flavours, shapes,colours etc...
- Make sure you send in your entries latest by 21 June. The round up will be on the following weekend. You can send in as many entries as you want.
- Please use the label and link your entry back to the event. You can use an archived recipe too but please re-post it with a link to the event.
While sending your entries make sure you send it along with the following details:
Subject: Let's Celebrate
Your Name :
Blog Name :
Blog Url :
Dish Name :
Dish Url :
Picture of the dish & Your zodiac sign
Non-bloggers kindly mail me your recipes and pictures and I shall include them in the round-up.
Once you have typed in all that info mail it over to airmathew[at]gmail[dot]com
Looking forward to all your lovely entries!!
Join in & LET'S CELEBRATE!!!
Happy hosting Riya...let's see if I can contribute to the event....
thanks for the email. i don't experiment much in cakes and cookies.. will try to send if i can. nice theme anyway..
Ria, thats a excellent event, will try to send my entries soon...
Happy hosting Riya.....can I send older entries for this event????
Happy hosting riya....I hv posted a cake just 2 days back....will try to send something else along with this..
Great event Riya..Will definitely try to send something. Happy hosting!
Wishes in advance for your bday and hope you have a rocking bday and hosting this event..
Psst...psst...what in the world made you think that my experiments in the kitchen would be fit enough to find its way to this event??? I don't even photograph any of them...lol
hey riya , sounds cool , hope u have a colorful and delicious celebration on your bday , would love to join the party :D
Happy birthday in advance Ria,some sweet delights coming your way soon:)
Hey Ria,
Have something for u again on my blog.
I'm taking abreak from blogging, but will surely send u some entries for the event once I'm back.
Malini,Mahimaa,Priya,Swapna,Prathibha,Pooja,Sakshi,Rahin,Yasmeen,Smitha-Thank you very much for all your support!! Waiting for your lovely entries.
Swapna-Hope you got my email. You can surely send in older entries, but please re-post it again with the label of the event and link it back to the event!! Thanks a ton for joining the party!!! :)
Sakshi-Maybe you can click one for my entry :)
Rahin-That's very sweet of you!!
Smitha-You always have something for me on your blog :D You can send it once you are back! Happy holidays! :)
Happy bday in advance Ria..and have a great time hosting teh event..will rush in with my entries..
Happy hosting and my advance wishes!
Happy hosting and my advance wishes!
I'll send you the devil's cake!!
im on for this one!! :):)
Lovely event, will try to send some..!
woww..good event...shall send smthin sooooooon.. :) can i send older entries???i mean just 15days old...My blog itself is a 2month old baby blog..
advanced birthday wishes Ria.. :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comment.. :)
HI Ria, Got your email. Yet to explore in cookies. I am a geminian too. Lets celebrate in our birthday with your event.
Congrats Ria on ur first event!! Happy hosting. Will try to send in something. :)
Renuka-Thank you!! Looking forward to your entry!! :)
Divya-Thank you dear!
Rachel-Thank you so much for participating! Your cake is lush! :)
Superchef,Sangi-Thank you so much! Looking forward to your entries!
Lena-Thank you and yes you can send in your older entries provided you re-post it and link it back to my blog :)
Vidhas-Oh! Wow! Same pinch! Try to send in some :)
Vandhana-Thank you so much!Looking forward for your entry!
Rush-Cheers!!! :)
Wonderful event dear...thanks for the email..shall try and send something..happy hosting :)
hi Ria
this is the first time i'm visiting ur blog and i just love it.. got ur url from dil-se for the post challa bread...u sure had making those briads i guess.. i wud like to participate in this event..and it will be my first event ! i will post something with cookies..advanced birthday wishes !
hey ria..just sent my entry..happy hosting dear..m sure this event gonna be super successful :)
Happy Birthday Ria! I have sent my entry...
Hi Ria...just posted my entry for your event in my blog:)...
I just saw this event via swapna's cuisine blog. I see many similarities in the food blogs you follow and my tastes! lovely blog.
I'm a new blogger, very wet behind the ears, nevertheless I'd like to take a stab at entering this event =).
Good Afternoon!!! riascollection.blogspot.com is one of the most excellent informational websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. riascollection.blogspot.com rocks!
Great idea Ria! Will surely particpate
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